Now doubts arise over Brian Williams' story about being mugged at gunpoint in his quiet childhood suburb

  • Locals in Red Bank, New Jersey, are questioning the credibility of claims by Brian Williams that he was threatened at gun point in the 1970s
  • According to a regularly repeated Williams tale, he was selling Christmas trees as a young man when someone 'stuck a .38-caliber pistol in my face'
  • Residents say the claims sound unlikely as Red Bank is a quiet suburb which was very safe in the 1970s 
  • 'I find it hard to believe anyone was held up in this area in the '70s. It was very safe,' said one local

An old story often repeated by Brian Williams about his bravery growing up in a quiet New Jersey suburb is being questioned by local residents in the light of his admission that he lied about taking enemy fire in Iraq.

Williams announced on Saturday that he is temporarily stepping down from the NBC Nightly News amid questions about his false memories of war coverage in 2003, calling it 'painfully apparent' that he has become a distracting news story.

Since apologizing over his exaggerated claims on Wednesday, questions have been raised about several previous claims by Williams including that he saw a body in the Hurricane Katrina floodwaters that hit New Orleans in 2005.

Brian Williams announced on Saturday that he is temporarily down from the NBC Nightly News amid questions about his false recollections of covering the war in Iraq in 2003
Old times: Williams is pictured here as a high school senior in 1977

Brian Williams (left today and right as a high school senior) announced on Saturday that he is temporarily down from the NBC Nightly News amid questions about his false recollections of covering the war in Iraq in 2003

Now local residents in the sleepy New Jersey suburb of Red Bank are the latest to question his credibility over a story he told Esquire magazine in 2005 about being mugged at gunpoint during the 1970s.

Williams recalls being left 'looking up at a thug's snub-nosed .38 while selling Christmas trees out of the back of a truck.'

According to his story he was trying to help a local church when the thief grabbed his money.

'That wasn't a bad job, until a guy came up and stuck a .38-caliber pistol in my face and made me hand over all the money. Merry Christmas, right? Of course, I suddenly appreciated the other jobs I thought I hated,' Williams recalled when he told New Jersey Monthly in 2008. 

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An old story often repeated by Brian Williams about his bravery growing up in the quiet New Jersey suburb of Red Bank, pictured, is being questioned after he admitted lying about his bravery in Iraq

An old story often repeated by Brian Williams about his bravery growing up in the quiet New Jersey suburb of Red Bank, pictured, is being questioned after he admitted lying about his bravery in Iraq

HBO's Bill Maher joked that Brian Williams told such big lies that he could work at Fox News

HBO's Bill Maher joked that Brian Williams told such big lies that he could work at Fox News

But several longtime Red Bank residents aren't convinced by Williams' claims.

'I would highly doubt he's telling the truth,' Danny Murphy told the New York Post.

'I find it hard to believe anyone was held up in this area in the '70s. It was very safe,' said Murphy who owned a restaurant just a few blocks from where Williams claims he was accosted.

The Post spoke to several residents who recall the area being so safe at the time that kids could walk around alone at night on their own.

'It was never dangerous here,' said Yolanda DeMaria, 93. 'It was a very peaceful town, a lovely town. It was a small town with a dress shop and a five-and-dime. No one locked their cars.' 

Another local resident also found Williams' claims difficult to take seriously. 

'Don't listen to Brian Williams,' said Les Carbone, 85. 'He's going to tell you a lot of things. I doubt he was robbed at gunpoint. I was born in Red Bank, there were no crimes like that. Tell Brian Williams to stop lying.'

Conan O'Brien also poked fun at Williams in a parody video where the news anchor takes credit for just about everything

Conan O'Brien also poked fun at Williams in a parody video where the news anchor takes credit for just about everything

Williams' troubles started on 30 January when the Nightly News ran a tribute to a retired soldier he had first met in Iraq in 2003. In his report Williams repeated his claim that his aircraft was hit by enemy fire and then the complaints started to flood in 

Williams' troubles started on 30 January when the Nightly News ran a tribute to a retired soldier he had first met in Iraq in 2003. In his report Williams repeated his claim that his aircraft was hit by enemy fire and then the complaints started to flood in 

With Williams’ credibility being called into question over his wild claims about his time in Iraq, NBC News announced on Friday that an internal investigation is being carried out.

Also on Friday, Williams found himself the butt of a joke by Bill Maher, who suggested that the news anchor told such big lies that he could work at Fox News.

'When we get older… we misplace our keys, we have trouble with people’s names, we can’t remember if the helicopter we were in crashed,' quipped the late night host during his HBO show.

Williams made such a 'blatant departure from the truth, he got an offer from Fox News,' joked Maher.

Conan O'Brien is another late night host getting mileage out of Williams. He joked that the NBC News presenter had tried to 'get in on someone's glory' more than once.

O'Brien then showed manipulated video of Williams saying he was responsible for the Miracle on the Hudson plane landing and climbing a giant rock - like Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible 2.

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