With all the school supplies available to students, buying supplies can turn from a simple task to one more daunting. However, a few tips and some common sense can help you overcome the myriad of supplies and transform you into a student groomed for success.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Budgeting for supplies

  1. Save up some money. School supplies can be quite costly, so you will need to have an adequate budget. Ask your parents to help out if they can.[1]
  2. If you have items already, use them instead of buying a duplicate. Save money and time!
  3. When you are looking at school supplies, check the quality of the items. Will the folders rip or tear in your backpack? Is the spiral wire bound to come undone when you are using a notebook? If you buy supplies that don't last you through the year, you will become disorganized and forced to fork out more money. Check to see that what you are buying will stand up to some wear and tear. Even if it costs a little more, it may be better savings in the long run, especially if it lasts all year, or even into the following year.
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Knowing which supplies to get

  1. Often, schools will give you a list of needed supplies before you arrive. If so, make sure to get everything on the list. The list is useful because it also helps you to avoid buying things you don't need, and you can keep that money for other things.
    • If your school does not give you a list, use common sense. You will need a notebook or binder for most subjects, as well as a folder.
  2. Some courses may require special materials (for example, a graphics package or a laboratory coat). In these cases, it may be best to consult with a teacher or student who has taken the course to ensure you get the right materials.
    • Is it possible to get used items? For some things, such as expensive textbooks or clothing, hand-me-downs might be the best option. Many schools run used sales groups or stalls for just such purposes; inquire at the front office.
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Purchasing supplies

  1. If you don't already have a backpack, rucksack or satchel, get one that will last a few years at least. Choose dark colors as these won't mark as easily. Check for sturdy zippers, flaps, tabs, etc. so that things can't fall out and won't bust easily.
    • Check for sales on bags. You can spend a lot of money on bags, so it's wise to see what's on offer for less.
  2. If possible, test them before you buy. This can save you time and trouble when you go to write. Once you find one style you like, buy multiples so you don't run out, or have a replacement for a lost utensil.[2]
    • Buy pens in blue and black for writing. Most teachers correct in another color (such as red, green, orange, etc.) , and thus prefer for students to use black or blue ink.
  3. Fill it with: different pencils, blue, black and red pens, a geometry set (protractor, compass, triangle rulers, 15cm rulers etc.), sharpener with a top to collect shavings, a 30 centimeter (11.8 in) ruler, erasers (the ones that slot onto the back of your pencils are perfect), colored pens and pencils and a calculator.[3]
  4. These may include but are not limited to: binder clips, a stapler, index cards, rubber bands, scissors, a three hole punch, an eraser, and tape.
    • Get a few plastic art folders for homework. A4 size is the best option.
  5. Some schools provide a planner and require students to use it as a hall pass etc. but you may not find it one that you like. Choose something that is portable, and that you will write things down in.
  6. This is for dinner money, emergency supply money, etc. if relevant.
  7. Advertisement

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  • On the first day, some teachers might give you a list on what is required for their class (like a certain notebook for English or a scientific calculator). Usually by the time you start school, it's the time most schools start in your town so things like notebooks could be on sale.
  • You may want a big binder for everything or a separate binder for each class. Either way has some advantages and disadvantages.
  • If you get binders for each class, make sure to get less than 1" binders because that would be too much to carry.
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  • Don't go for the 5 subject notebooks unless your teacher tells you to have one. Disadvantages include that if one teacher wants to see it, you will have nothing to write for your other four subjects, it is big and bulky, it is generally more expensive compared to five separate books and it is wasteful as a lot of the pages end up unused.

Things You'll Need

  • Budget and funds

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Updated: March 5, 2022
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