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Darth days ahead: Vader to appear in Star Wars spinoff

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Didn’t think you’d see Darth Vader in the new round of Star Wars movies? He finds your lack of faith disturbing.

While everyone’s favorite darksider probably won’t appear in the new trilogy (with him being dead and all), he will reportedly make an appearance in Star Wars Anthology: Rogue One, an intriguing prequel of sorts that follows a motley crew of rebels that steal the plans for the Death Star.

Essentially, you’re talking about a heist film set in the Star Wars universe, which sounds, well … awesome!

The story is set to take place just before the events of Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope and there have been whispers that it may also include a young Princess Leia, who could, possibly, be played by Carrie Fisher’s daughter (!). Both rumors are unsubstantiated, but hey, we can dream can’t we?

Vader is not expected to play a large role in the film, and probably won’t be the central villain but consider whatever scene(s) he appears in stolen. There is also no word on whether or not James Earl Jones will reprise. If he doesn’t, it would probably be better if Darth was seen and not heard. Anything other than THE authentic Vader voice will turn fans off faster than you can say “shut down all the garbage mashers on the detention level.”

While we’ve whined here and there about Hollywood’s remake culture, we have to say we prefer this over the glut of live-action Disney adaptations and superhero reboots.

Star Wars Anthology: Rogue One is set to release on December 16, 2016 and stars Felicity Jones, Forest Whitaker, and Ben Mendelsohn, among others. Gareth Edwards is directing, while George Lucas himself is listed among the film’s writers.

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Adam Poltrack
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