This article was co-authored by Karin Lindquist, a trusted member of wikiHow's volunteer community. Karin Lindquist earned a BSc in Agriculture as an Animal Science major from the University of Alberta, Canada. She has over 20 years of experience working with cattle and crops. She's worked for a mixed-practice veterinarian, as a sales representative in a farm supply store, and as a research assistant doing rangeland, soil, and crop research. She currently works as a forage and beef agriculture extension specialist, advising farmers on a variety of issues relating to their cattle and the forages they grow and harvest.
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Rectal palpation is a very common and highly popular method among all cattle producers in primarily performing pregnancy checks on cows and heifers, and also for checking the reproductive organs of a bull during a bull breeding soundness exam. For the purpose of this article, though, the focus is primarily on cows and heifers. "Preg-checking" or pregnancy checking female cattle often yields successful results especially if performed by an experienced technician. Rectal palpation is undoubtedly the messiest, yet cheapest and often quickest form of preg-checking that can be easily learned by all those who have a breeding herd of cattle.
Community Q&A
QuestionWhenever I perform rectal palpation, I can never get my hands on uterine horns, but ovaries are palpated well by indirect approach. How can I find the uterine horns?KarinTop AnswererThis isn't going to be very helpful, but you won't be able to find them. The uterine horns are going to be very difficult to find, because they are as soft tissue as the rectal wall. What you're really going to be feeling for is the more harder, denser tissues like the ovaries, the cervix, and the small embryo-turned-fetus. You're doing everything right if you can feel the ovaries and, if you went more shallow, the cervix. The fetus can be felt in the uterine horns, so that's what you're really going to be feeling for, not the uterine horns themselves.
QuestionWhat is the treatment if a cow does not come into full heat rather than it used to be in false heat?KarinTop AnswererThere is no treatment available. You just have to wait it out and hope she doesn't abort and ends up keeping her calf to full term. A pregnant cow will have a false heat, but it doesn't necessarily equate to her aborting the calf.
QuestionDo I have to go through the rectum to pregnancy check a heifer?Cora ProvencherCommunity AnswerYou most likely should. If it is a new mom, her vulva won't be as loose as a mom who has had a few calves. To cause the cow less pain, you should preform a rectal examination.
Some producers, vets, and your AI instructor will prefer to change gloves in between cows to prevent the spread of reproductive diseases like Trichomoniasis. Often this is a good hygienic practice to adopt to prevent any spread of disease from one cow to another.Thanks
The best determination of a cow's due date is from keeping good breeding records. If you know when a cow has been bred and if she did become pregnant, then you have a very good idea of when she will give birth.Thanks
The anus of a cow is located above the vulva, which is a slit below the anus. You need to go into the anus of the cow, not the vulva, to do proper preg-checking.Thanks
- If you get easily grossed out from things like fresh stinky cow poop or having to rectal palpate your cows, or just even the thought of having to do it, then don't do it. Get a large-animal vet to do it for you.Thanks
- Don't pull out too fast, otherwise you will end up with a pile of cow manure all over you. Pull out slow and easy, allowing the anus to naturally close on its own as you pull out.Thanks
- Spreading your fingers in the rectum may cause damage to the rectal wall which is deadly for the cow in most cases.Thanks
- Some cows may be a bit less tolerant of you sticking your arm up their rear than others. You may get kicked, or the cow may suddenly decide she wants to move around or go down with you still inside her. Try to move with her as best as you can, but there will be a risk of pulling a muscle in your arm or even breaking your arm if things really get out of hand.Thanks
- Make sure you're going in the right "hole." If you go in the vulva, you could potentially cause an abortion since you may have taken away the cervical plug, or palpated the fetus a little too much.
- Too vigorous a palpation through the rectal wall may cause abortions or the death of a fetus. You could sever the connection between the placenta and uterine wall, cutting off the fetus's life-giving connection between it and the dam. Be firm yet gentle, and do not be too aggressive with your actions.
Things You'll Need
- Shoulder length latex fingered gloves (have a pack of over 100 if necessary)
- Coveralls or OB suit (especially if you don't want to get your clothes dirty)
- OB lube
- Head-gate with squeeze chute
- Cows/heifers that need preg-checking
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