GIFs That Perfectly Show the Stages of Easter Sunday With Your Family
If we're honest, the end of Lenten season is about honoring religious traditions, but it's also (mostly) about celebrating family in a big, sweet way. And when we talk about family get-togethers as Latinos, we know that this means — dressing up, lots of food, a large group of "family" members, and speaking over the soundtrack of the day. Here are 11 stages a Latina might experience over Easter Sunday.
Standing in front of your closet and thinking: "So, a church outfit . . . "
All the while you're pushing through a sea of crop tops.
You finally make it to church . . .
Then your family proceeds to take up an entire row because your motto is the more, the merrier.
Everyone is angling for some holy water during the blessing . . .
Because were you even there if you don't get sprayed?
With the holy water comes flashbacks . . .
Remember that first time you were drenched in holy water? Great times.
But by the time you're out of church, you're happy . . .
And your mind's likely been blown away by all the Easter knowledge you probably should've studied up on before you went to church.
By the time you're home you're feeling less guilty about all the Bible passages you didn't know . . .
Mostly because all your energy is going to concentrating on staying out of a food coma.
Because truth is that when your family stops fasting, they go big or go home.
Which you're not mad about — at all.
Mostly though you're just happy to be with family because there are Easter egg hunts . . .
That can go terribly wrong.
And hugs from those who keep you grounded . . .
And not so subtlety reminded you for the past few weeks that you couldn't eat meat on Fridays.