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    13 Women Who Pushed Their Boob Potential To The Limit

    Boobs: nature's shelf.

    1. This woman who didn't want to burn her thighs holding a hot pizza.

    2. This woman who didn't let a lack of extra cup holders stop her.

    3. This woman who made a makeshift table.

    4. This woman who created a portable beauty closet.

    5. This woman who discovered the best way to stay caffeinated.

    6. This woman who found a way to text even with her hands full.

    7. This woman who will never, ever have to buy coasters again.

    8. This woman who realized she could take a break from holding her clutch all night.

    9. This woman who discovered boobs make excellent plates.

    10. This woman who realized the potential of showing off her ~top shelf~ collectibles.

    11. This woman who found a way to never spill ramen broth on herself.

    12. This woman who realized real bowls are for chumps.

    13. This woman who discovered her built-in food pantry.