This article was published on September 20, 2015

Instagram doesn’t want your #latergrams, suggests you share pictures taken today

Instagram doesn’t want your #latergrams, suggests you share pictures taken today

Despite an average of 70 million photos shared on Instagram a day, the company doesn’t want you to stop at just brunch, selfies and #latergrams. The app may now recognize when you’ve taken a photo and suggest you post it that same day.

Spotted by my colleague Napier Lopez on his Samsung Galaxy Note 5, a prompt on the lower menu suggested he share any of the pictures he snapped today. Clicking on the blue notification tab brings up some recent photos in his gallery, including screenshots (not a rare occurrence on Instagram.)

A Twitter user also noticed the prompt a few days ago, noting that she finds it creepy Instagram can see her gallery data.

As far as we know, there’s no way to disable the prompt other than to X out of the notification. For what it’s worth, Instagram does note in its app permission that it can read the contents of your media files, which include the EXIF data it needs to recognize date, time and location of the photo taken.

instagram permissions

Slightly invasive, but not as bad as a push notification begging you to share a photo every time you snap some new pics.

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