Contrary to what some may believe, courtroom sketch artist Jane Rosenberg is not a New York Jets or Giants fan simply because she works in New York. In fact, she doesn’t know the first thing about the NFL.
Rosenberg made a brief appearance on “Good Morning America” Friday to discuss the infamous Tom Brady drawing she did earlier this week. You may find this impossible to believe, but she claims she had no idea who Brady was.
“I didn’t know who Tom Brady was. I’m sorry,” Rosenberg said. “I looked it up on the internet to see who Tom Brady was. I’m embarrassed, but I’m not a football fan.”

Rosenberg’s unflattering depiction of Brady led to some of the most hilarious memes we have seen in a while. She didn’t know what a meme was until Wednesday, either.
“I didn’t know what a meme was until a couple of days ago,” Rosenberg revealed. “I just learned that word.”
I have a much easier time believing that Rosenberg didn’t know what a meme was than I do believing that she had no clue who Brady was. Even if you don’t watch football, you have to have heard the name Tom Brady at some point if you live in a civilized part of the United States.
As for the sketch itself, Rosenberg said it is very difficult to draw “beautiful” people like Tommy Boy.
“It’s hard to sketch beautiful people in a very short period of time. There’s a lot of subtle things about their face. It’s hard to capture. … He wasn’t looking beautiful in court. It’s not a happy place.”
Whether she did her best work or not, Rosenberg certainly didn’t deserve some of the backlash she received. It’s just a courtroom sketch, people.