He trains your brain. She trains your body.

Your style is up to you.


Welcome to Team You.


He trains your brain. She trains your body.

Your style is up to you.


Welcome to Team You.


(Braveheart Coaching)2

The next generation of endurance coaching

BC2 combines the personalized training methods of World Champion triathlete Lesley Paterson with state-of-the-science mental training from her husband, Dr Simon Marshall, an expert in sports psychology and UC San Diego professor of mental toughness. If you’re frustrated by email-only programs that offer you little more than  spreadsheets, calendars, and personality-less data, then read on.

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2018 Braveheart Highland Games

San Diego, California • January 25-28, 2018

The 2018 BHG is a one-of-a-kind, four-day triathlon training camp for Braveheart Athletes in sunny San Diego. Last year, we had an amazing turnout of Paterson-fearing souls from all over the world! Grown men cried. Women laughed. Dogs ran.

The camp is FREE if you’re being coached by a Braveheart Coach during January 2018.

Hosted by foul-mouthed immigrants — the verbally corrupt Lesley Paterson, her charming and impossibly attractive and charismatic husband, Simon (oh, fuck you), and newly-married-professional cat-herder-come-Ironman-athlete/coach, Alan Greening from Denver, CO.

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