Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)

EPSRC creates knowledge in engineering and physical sciences for UK capability to benefit society and the economy.




Funding opportunities

Digital infrastructure: new approaches to skills or software

Apply for funding to enhance your digital research infrastructure (DRI) by trialling approaches to skills or software, two of the strategic priorities of the UKRI DRI Programme. Your application may be targeted at one of these priorities.

You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for UKRI funding.

Pre-announcement: UKRI cross research council responsive mode pilot scheme: round 2

Apply for funding for breakthrough or disruptive interdisciplinary ideas that transcend, combine or significantly span disciplines that are not routinely funded through existing UKRI responsive mode schemes.

Project leads must be based at an organisation eligible for UKRI research council funding.


Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
Polaris House,
North Star Avenue,


Quantum for science workshop

18 June 2024 to 19 June 2024

Toronto, Canada (venue to be confirmed)

This is the website for UKRI: our seven research councils, Research England and Innovate UK. Let us know if you have feedback or would like to help improve our online products and services.