16 Free Apps Every Woman Should Download
We challenge you to find something that there isn't an app for — especially when it comes to those geared toward women. But with such an abundance of apps for females, it can be challenging to figure out which ones are actually worth giving up some of your precious storage space. Don't worry — we've got you covered.
Whether you're tracking your menstrual cycle, organizing the business you run, or looking for what to read next, these apps put everything you care about at your fingertips.
Do you struggle to stay on track with your birth control pill, ring, or patch? myPill is for you. The app helps ensure you're as protected as possible by reminding you when you need to take the pill or replace other forms of contraception, updating you on when you need to schedule a checkup with your doctor, tracking symptoms, and prediction when you will be on your period.
Available for iOS and Android
When it comes to apps designed for safety, it doesn't get much more revolutionary than Companion. Designed by students at the University of Michigan, the app lets you enter your destination and then select contacts to be your "companions" and follow your route home via a live map. If you start running, your phone falls to the ground, or you don't make it to your destination on time, you'll get a message asking if everything is OK — if you don't respond in 15 seconds, the app alerts your companions. It also includes features to call police or give a heads up about unsafe conditions — making it the ultimate app for avoiding uneasiness walking home alone.
Available for iOS and Android
If you're hoping to avoid unpleasant surprises (anyone else part of the "no white after Labor Day" boycott?), Clue lets you monitor your cycle and know when your period is on its way. It also tracks symptoms and fertility window, all in a simple and streamlined design that keeps it easy to navigate. Plus, compared to similar apps, the name doesn't immediately scream "PERIOD!" so no need to hide it in a vaguely named folder.
Available for iOS and Android
Created by toilet paper super-brand Charmin, SitOrSquat helps you find suitable restrooms in unfamiliar areas. The app not only shows nearby bathrooms, it offers a user-generated rating system to help you avoid less-than-pleasant (and less-than-clean) facilities.
Available for iOS and Android
While Uber has recently received some less-than-favorable PR in terms of safety concerns, competitor Lyft has largely avoided similar problems. This app, like others on the list, is not necessarily geared toward women, but it offers them a way to get home that feels safer and more reliable than other traditional methods of transportation. No more waiting nervously on a street corner attempting to hail a cab or braving public transportation late at night — Lyft lets you know when your car is arriving and vets drivers, making it an affordable, convenient, and trackable way to get around.
Available for iOS and Android
Nike+ Training Club
If any brand knows fitness, it's Nike. No matter what activity or level of difficulty you're looking for, the female-focused Nike+ Training Club app has something to get you off the couch and into shape — each of the more than 100 workouts was designed by Nike master trainers.
Available for iOS and Android
For all our independent women (ahem, Destiny's Child), Mint is a total lifesaver. The app allows you to organize your finances by pulling your investments, credit card bills, bank accounts, and expenses into one interface. Mint constantly crushes the numbers to ensure that you never fall into debt, make a late payment, or let your credit score slip.
Available for iOS and Android
Audible is the perfect app for intelligent women on the go. Brush up on your literature and keep your mind sharp while commuting to work, running errands, driving, or simply hanging around the house. The app is free, but the platform functions on a monthly membership.
Available for iOS and Android
Though Venmo is not gender-biased, every woman with this payment app knows how incredibly useful it is. Treat your friend to froyo and feel awkward asking for $3 in cash? Have them Venmo you. Go to a bottomless mimosa brunch and end up drunkenly offering to charge the bill to your card? Split up the check via Venmo.
Available for iOS and Android
If man's best friend is their dog, woman's best friend is their Starbucks app. Seriously, this app has it all: rewards points, special deals, location finder, mobile pay, and more. With pumpkin spice latte season on its way, there's no app more important for Fall.
Available for iOS and Android
For women (or anyone) looking to stay informed and up-to-date without weeding through articles online or in print newspapers, Flipboard is the virtual solution to your problems. Flipboard provides an easy-to-digest, magazine-format platform for customizing news and social media content — making sure you see the best articles on topics that interest you.
Available for iOS and Android
If you've ever bought something full price only to see it at another store for less, you know the struggle. ShopSavvy ensures that will never happen again — it tracks sales from your favorite stores, as well as offers a unique barcode scanning feature. Scan the barcode of an item you're thinking of purchasing, and the app will let you know if it can be found elsewhere for less!
Available for iOS and Android
When it comes to staying organized, no app is more helpful than Evernote. The app lets you organize notes, ideas, to-do lists, images, and more, all within a platform that syncs across all devices. If you've ever wished for a personal assistant, Evernote is the answer to your prayers.
Available for iOS and Android