No climbing gym can compete with the peace and connection to nature you find at the top of a tree. Free climbing, or climbing without safety ropes, brings you there quickly and without the hassle of carrying equipment. Make up for it with abundant caution, and bring along a climbing buddy whenever possible.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Getting Started

  1. Choose clothes that allow maximum flexibility. Avoid baggy clothing or accessories that can get caught on branches.
    • Necklaces are especially dangerous, as they can snag on a branch and choke you.
    • If you're wearing hard-soled boots, take them off and climb barefoot. More flexible shoes with good traction are fine.
  2. Find a tree with large, sturdy branches, preferably ones you can reach from the ground. Avoid any trees with obvious signs of damage, including large cracks or cavities; swollen or odd-shaped trunks; mushrooms near the base; or more than a few dead branches.[1]
    • Not all signs of decay are obvious. If you haven't climbed the tree before, go slow and be prepared to return to the ground. Loose bark, soft wood, or unusually weak branches are all signs that the tree is not as healthy as it looks.
  3. Trees are much more dangerous to climb when they're wet and slippery, or when visibly swaying in the wind. Cold weather makes wood more brittle, so we do not recommend free climbing in winter. If you do climb in cold weather, stick to the lowest, largest branches.
    • Never climb during a thunderstorm, as trees are a prime target for lightning strikes.
    • Even mist or morning dew can make a tree dangerous to climb. Wait until the sun comes out and the tree has a chance to dry.
Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Reaching the First Branch

  1. In a perfect world, every tree has a large, horizontal branch at head level or below. You can usually reach this easily by jumping or pulling yourself up. If you need more leverage, brace one foot against a rough area of the trunk. Push into the tree, not down, or your foot is likely to slip.
  2. If the lowest branch is higher than your head, you'll need good upper body and core strength to pull yourself to the top. Bring your biceps and forearms up to the top of the branch first. Swing slightly to propel your elbows onto the branch, then your legs.
    • If the branch is so high you have to fully extend your arms, this will be much more difficult. Try swinging back and forth until you have enough momentum to pull yourself up with your arms. Bring your stomach up to meet the branch, then bend forward and pull up the rest of your body. Try to do this in one motion to keep momentum.
  3. This more advanced technique can take some practice to achieve. It requires less upper body strength than the pull up, but more coordination and flexibility. Here's how to do it:
    • Hand from the branch with both hands.
    • Swing one leg up and over the branch.
    • Pull yourself up until your biceps rest on top of the branch.
    • Lift your free leg up close to your face, then swing it backward while pressing down on the branch. This should swing the rest of your body up onto the branch.
  4. If the branch is too high to reach even when jumping, you'll need to gain leverage from the trunk. This is very difficult, so practice the other techniques first. When you're ready, try this for the difficult challenge:
    • Run at the tree with moderate speed.
    • Plant your foot against the trunk, ideally against a gnarl or other stable area.
    • Push inward and upward with your foot. (Pushing down is a common mistake that causes your foot to slip.)
    • Jump with your other foot at the same time, and reach up to grab the branch with both hands.
    • Get to the top of the branch using one of the earlier steps.

Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Climbing Higher

  1. When free climbing, you should always have your weight on three different parts of the tree. In other words, of your four hands and feet, move only one of them at a time. This "three point rule" is the best way to reduce your chance of falling if you slip or if a branch breaks.[2]
    • Placing both feet or hands on the same branch only counts as one point of support.
    • Sitting on a branch does not give you any support, since it will not help you catch yourself if you're falling.
  2. Your best choice of foothold or handhold is always a sturdy, living branch. These are most stable directly next to the trunk.
  3. Dead wood is much weaker than living wood. Avoid areas with missing bark, obvious damage, or a different color than the rest of the tree. Do not use the broken-off stump of a branch as a handhold or foothold.
  4. When climbing upward, keep your body as close to the trunk as possible. Stay in the most vertical position you can to improve your balance. If you try to swing your leg to the side or lean to catch a branch, you're much more like to fall.
  5. When two branches grow close together, bark can grow out from the trunk and fill the gap between them. This bark is much weaker than the rest of the tree, and will likely break if you grab onto it. It can also form a wedge between the two branches, forcing them outward and making them more likely to snap.[3] Use caution when climbing past these areas.
    • If the trunk itself splits, this can be a sign of major damage. Do not climb to this point or beyond, and return to the ground if you notice any weak branches or other damage. A U-shaped fork is typically more stable than a V-shaped fork, but there is no guarantee without a professional inspection.
  6. The USDA Forest Service limits free climbing to areas where the trunk is more than 4 inches (10 centimeters) in diameter.[4] If trained professionals won't climb past that point, you should definitely stop there or well before it.
Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Climbing a Tree without Branches

  1. If you're up for a challenge, you can use the techniques below to climb a palm tree or other tree without branches.[5] This is easiest if the trunk is leaning slightly, and is thin enough to reach the left and right sides at the same time.
    • A steep angle could mean the tree is weak or in danger of uprooting. Avoid these trees unless an experienced climber tells you it's safe.
  2. Tie a strip of strong cloth into a loop. Insert both feet into the loop, stepping on it with your soles. When gripping the sides of the trunk with your feet, as described below, this cloth will press against the front face of the trunk, improving your grip.
  3. Grip with the whole length of your arm for greater leverage.
  4. Bring your knees up above your hips, placing your thighs against the side of the tree.
  5. Grip with your thighs, calves, and the soles of your feet. If this is painful, you may need to stop and train your hip flexibility before trying again.
    • Some experienced climbers grip the sides of the trunk with extended arms, and place both feet against the nearest face of the tree, "walking" up the tree. This is very risky for a beginning climber, or anyone without significant limb strength.
  6. Bring your thighs upward to raise yourself and straighten your legs. Keep gripping with your calves and feet during this motion.
  7. Make sure you have a firm grip on the tree with both arms. Quickly bring both knees up at the same time, then grip with your thighs, calves, and feet again. Move both legs at the same time.
  8. Now it's time for your legs to keep you on the tree, while your arms move higher. Pull them up at the same time, while still wrapped loosely around the trunk. Move them quickly and grip again after a short distance.
  9. Straighten your legs, move your knees up, and move your arms. Repeat these three motions to gradually move up the trunk. As a beginner, move slowly and pause after each motion to judge your stability. Loose bark or a swollen area of the trunk could be fatal if you're moving too fast.

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How likely is it for me to break my arm or leg?
    Lara Coelho
    Lara Coelho
    Community Answer
    That depends on your bone strength and your weight, along with the height of the tree. You are unlikely to break any bones while simply climbing, but it's possible for you to dislocate a joint if you have problems with overly flexible joints or weak muscles. If you fall from a tree, you do have the real possibility of breaking a bone, so be careful, and always have a climbing buddy, someone near the tree, or at the very least, be somewhere you can easily call for help.
  • Question
    What do I do when there are a lot of branches all around?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Make sure you have an open spot among the branches where you can fit yourself.
  • Question
    How do I get back down after I free climb a tree?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If it is a short drop, you can just jump down, or you can try to do what you did to climb the tree in reverse. You can also wrap your legs around the tree and just slowly slide down the trunk.
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  • Bring along a friend to climb with, preferably an experienced climber. Make sure someone knows where you'll be in case of an accident.
  • Don't climb paperbark trees, the bark is loose. And if you do climb it, you will find that the flakey bark leaves you itchy and uncomfortable, depending on how much contact and friction you made.



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Updated: September 15, 2021
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