
Moment of zen from Friday.

The babe was in a mood, which puts the Dorky Hell Hound in a mood, which means we all need to leave the house or it’s just a cycle of whinging and anxiety and irritation for all involved. So we went to FDR, which I wish was bigger because a loop around the main pond and then meadow lake only takes 20-30 minutes.

Anyway. We went earlier than we normally walk, and the place was just lousy with birds. Robins and Red-winged Blackbird (I thought they were orioles) all over. Also house sparrows, nuthatches, wrens, mourning doves, mocking birds, Yellow-throated Vireo (I looked that one up) and Summer Tanager (I was mistaking them for cardinals.)

Anyway, wearing a baby and wrangling an enthusiastic pup means I don’t get great pictures on my phone. But I tried to get a small snip of the sounds.


listening to birds is the best thing.

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