You have come to a realization. Your relationship(s) are not healthy...they are lacking. They are not going to initiate a recovery, you have to do it. But how do you begin? Read this article and hopefully, get some ideas.


  1. More than likely, that is what you have been doing, ad nauseum. No longer.
  2. Be sure that they understand that you have told your last lie to the boss (or whomever), white or otherwise. And follow through.
  3. if they break something, don't fix it. If they throw up, don't clean it up, etc.
  4. They got themselves in, they can get themselves out.
  5. If they aren't going anywhere, leave, read, or anything else, but argue.
  6. There are several: Al-Anon, CoDA, Nar-Anon, a sponsor, codependency treatment, private therapy or counseling, a spiritual advisor or minister, or trustworthy friend.

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Updated: October 10, 2022
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