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What Are You Playing This Weekend?


Salut mes braves! I'm still en France (that's French for 'in France'), though I've yet to find an apartment. Still, I shan't be playing much as I'll be out and about, roaming, poking, gawping, and drinking. As reading material, I have an issue of Canard PC so I can brush up my my French terms for video game things (e.g. platformers are called jeux de plateforme - tricky stuff). I knew I was definitely on The Continent when I saw its cover game was Might & Magic Heroes VII.

But you, you there, what are you playing this weekend?

I mean, obviously I'll squeeze a few lives of Binding of Isaac: Rebirth in. It's about time I unlocked The Lost then began the arduous, awful task of getting his unlocks. For non-Isaacers, you have to die in a series of convoluted ways to unlock a character who dies in one hit but opens up some dang powerful items for everyone if you can beat the game with him. What a mess.

Maybe GTA V. I think I've exhausted the novelty of trying to find a good virtual swimming pond, and should go do some murders.

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