Are Banks Open on the Fourth of July 2022?

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This year’s Fourth of July holiday marks the 245th anniversary of the approval of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, when the U.S. declared autonomy from Great Britain. Although your plans for Independence Day might not include the same festivities as in years past, you might want to at least mix a bit of productivity into the holiday.

If you need to take care of any financial needs on July 4, you’ll first want to know what your banking options are. Here’s what you’ll find in this guide to banking on the Fourth:

Are Banks Open on the Fourth of July?

Independence Day is a federal holiday, so many businesses will close to observe the occasion. Most banks will be closed for the Fourth of July in accordance with the schedule of holidays observed by the Federal Reserve.

Banks Closed on the Fourth of July 2022

GOBankingRates has confirmed that the financial institutions below will be closed on July 4, which falls on a Monday this year. Even if your bank is not on the list, it probably won’t be open, so call your local branch first instead of assuming it will have staff on hand. Here are the banks that will be closed on the Fourth of July 2022:

Upcoming Bank Holidays in 2022

According to the Federal Reserve, most banks will be closed on the following federal holidays in 2022:

    Steffi Cao contributed to the reporting for this article.

    Schedules are subject to change and may vary for individual branches. 

    This article has been updated with additional reporting since its original publication.


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