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It has come to our attention that Important Things are happening in the Metalverse and we would like you all to take a moment and give your attention to this post right here.

Firstly, if you haven’t visited – you really should. There isn’t much there right now, but there is something on the page that should grab your focus immediately: The Countdown.

Do we happen to know what it’s counting down to? Maybe. Are we gonna tell you? Well, no, but we are going to say this:

It is more important than ever that you sign and circulate the Petition. This is not a drill, lovely dildos. This is the Real Deal.  We wouldn’t waste your time if this wasn’t serious. … Okay, maybe we might, but we AREN’T this time. Promise! 

We need you guys to get excited. Really excited. Do you remember the buildup that lead up to the Doomstar? We sure do, and we need to see something like that again.

Something is coming, dildos. The question is… will you be ready?

The Admins

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