click fraud problem - how i block ip and how i get refund?

Discussion in 'Google AdWords' started by revenco_andrei, Feb 13, 2015.

  1. #1
    I want to discuss about click fraud detection problems in Google Adwords (and also in other advertising systems) as it seems to be a very big problem lately.

    We tried first by reading logs, but it was impossible to properly track and count all the necessary info (due to large quantity of data and the problem of not having a session defined in the logs).

    Well... this problem was solved by using services like Xiona Click fraud detection (which is also free ) - see here - but I don't understand what i need to do with the frauduent IP list - there is a way to block those directly from adwords? how can i get my money back from google?
    revenco_andrei, Feb 13, 2015 IP