
Mozilla makes it easy to create VR websites with 'A-Frame'

It's an open-source framework that uses HTML instead of WebGL's more complex API.


With the launch of A-Frame today, Mozilla is trying to make it easier for developers to craft virtual-reality websites. Mozilla's VR research team, MozVR, created A-Frame as an open-source framework that allows developers to use familiar HTML markup in their designs, rather than the complex WebGL API. A-Frame operates within WebGL, meaning it works across desktop, iPhones, all Cardboard devices and Oculus Rift Dev Kit 2 headsets, with Android support "coming soon." It'll eventually support additional VR devices, such as HTC's Vive.

Mozilla offers a guide on getting started in A-Frame and suggests developers share their creations via Tumblr, Reddit and a few other channels.

"Beginners start with easily understood primitives like cubes, videos, models, and skies," the MozVR team writes in the A-Frame FAQ. "Advanced users can use JavaScript to imperatively create dynamic and interactive scenes or dive into its underlying entity-component system, a design pattern popular in the game industry that favors composition over inheritance."