What Changed for Facebook E-Commerce Advertisers During the Holidays?
What differences did Nanigans, a Facebook Marketing Partner, find when it examined its e-commerce clients’ 2014 results overall and during the holiday shopping season?
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What differences did Nanigans, a Facebook Marketing Partner, find when it examined its e-commerce clients’ 2014 results overall and during the holiday shopping season?
One of the largest discrepancies was found in purchases on weekends, with Nanigans reporting that weekends represented “peak purchasing days” during the holiday shopping season, while the top day of the week during 2014 overall was Thursday. Nanigans wrote:
From January through the end of October 2014, purchase rates on Facebook reached their peak on Thursdays. However, during the holidays, purchase rates were highest on the weekend.
As seen in the second graph, the share of weekly purchases segmented by each day of the week was nearly inverted between the holidays versus the rest of the year.