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    24 Truly Appalling Estate Agent Pictures

    These, via Terrible Real Estate Agent Photos, will make you think where you live right now isn't that bad after all.

    While looking for a house in 2013, Andy Donaldson noticed that there were some really awful property pictures out there.

    1. Nice touch by the organisers of the firing squad to give everyone a seat.

    2. "Bless this house" is more traditional.

    3. Tragically, this is what happens when a Smurf bursts.

    4. If you don't mind doing a poo in a kitchen, you probably won't mind doing it next to a window either.

    5. Something awful must have happened on this toilet for the owners to have erected tidal defences.

    6. This is called this the "blue room".

    7. The man-sized stuffed fox from your nightmares is a unique feature.

    8. Potential buyers are advised not to think about what happens in this room when your back is turned and the light begins to fade.

    9. If you for some reason have to feature the tenants in your property's picture, you could at least let them get dressed first.

    10. Top tip: Save on expensive photography by using images provided by paranormal investigators.

    11. The owners say the pool will be dredged before anyone moves in.

    12. This photo makes it completely clear which house is for sale.

    13. "Close to local transport links."

    14. Never stand in line waiting for the toilet ever again.

    15. Or get lonely.

    16. If you ever hide a body in your attic, maybe leave the country before the estate agent comes 'round to take some photos.

    17. A rare example of what architectural historians refer to as a “fertility window”.

    18. "Early viewing is recommended as there has already been considerable interest. Mostly from horses."

    19. After weeks of waiting, the estate agent finally captures a pair of wild mattresses at a watering hole.

    20. Something doesn't look quite right about this one.

    21. This house comes with a WHAT IS GOING ON discount.

    22. "If he still hasn't finished his crossword, he comes with the house."

    23. Attention to detail is very important. For example, here the agent has dragged the body outside before taking the photograph.

    24. "Don't mind the horse — after a few days you hardly notice him."