Shane Warne Can't Stop Plagiarizing Himself On Instagram

    Great revolutions, Shane.

    It's no secret legendary cricketer Shane Warne has one of the best Instagram accounts in the world.

    His selfies and boozy snaps have even inspired his followers with some of the best trolling banter seen in recent times.

    Gonna have to tidy up that mug shot before your Tinder bender in the US, Warnie.

    But something is amiss! Let me explain...

    Warnie uploaded this photo earlier this week when he was *open air quotes* working in Dubai *close air quotes*.

    One problem: It's exactly the same picture he used months earlier when he was in Dubai.

    As you can see, he's zoomed a litte and added a new filter... but it's definitely the same photo.

    It was confusing, like, who cares right?! But looking through his library something starts to become clear. Take for instance this iconic snap of his creepy AF bed mirror posted a week ago.

    He also posted it MONTHS ago.

    Oh and there it is again for a third time.

    It's no Insty-sin to post the same picture... but we found HEAPS of instances where he'd done it. Like when he was getting his "haircut".

    That time he loved this promotional photo so much he posted it 36 weeks apart.

    This throwback special was also posted twice.

    Again, Warnie doubling up with comedian Mick Molly.

    Even this stunning snap, posted twice, one week apart.

    But there's one selfie that's been posted so many times you'll be left stumped. This smouldering photo, posted yesterday.

    Two months ago ๐Ÿ˜ณ.

    Eight months ago ๐Ÿ˜จ.

    17 months ago ๐Ÿ™ˆ.

    23 months ago ๐Ÿ˜ฑ.

    25 months ago ๐Ÿ’€.

    31 months ago ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ’ฆ.

    And finally, 32 months ago ๐Ÿผ.

    We're not the only people to notice.

    Warnie this one's done more revolutions than the old EA '96 disc. Superb areas but time for a change-up.

    BuzzFeed needs to know from Warnie: WTF is going on??

    We need some variations Shane. You're serving up more stock than Marco Pierre White.

    Some possible answers...

    - Shane has a secret PR company posting images of himself, without him knowing.

    - Shane might have serious memory loss.

    - Shane did a deal with the devil and has to keep positing that selfie.

    - Shane's weird Dorian Grey-style portrait is that selfie and it has to live on his Instagram forever and ever.

    Until we get some answers, shine on Shane, shine on you Insty-repeating legend.