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Ever want to try the latest and greatest iteration of your favourite operating system? In such cases, virtualisation is your friend. It allows you to easily try out a new operating system without making any changes to your existing operating system. VirtualBox is the most popular free virtualisation solution available, and this tutorial will teach you how to install Windows 8 in VirtualBox.

  1. For instructions on how to download and install VirtualBox follow This link. Windows 8 it is available on Microsoft’s web page here. Make sure you download the iso.
  2. Open VirtualBox and select new machine.
  3. Once this is done, select windows on the first scroll menu then select Windows 8 from the version box (second scroll box).
  4. When the setup wizard asks you how much RAM to give the machine giving the machine the default RAM should be fine. Should you have surplus or limited RAM adjusting the slider is fine.
  5. When the wizard asks about a new virtual hard disk do not select anything. Simply select next.
  6. The wizard will ask what type of virtual hard drive you want select VDI or virtual box disk image than select next.(virtual box disk image should be selected by default)
  7. The wizard will ask you to set the disk space for the hard drive. You may select dynamically allocated or a fixed size. You may choose either, but often fixed size is better as it is faster and more stable.
  8. As a minimum, 20 gigabytes should be selected but the more space the merrier.
  9. When the summary page is brought up select create and wait as this may take a while.
  10. Open VirtualBox and click on the machine.
  11. Now enjoy you cutting edge new OS.
  12. Advertisement

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  • Question
    Where can I get the ISO file? That was kinda the only reason I came here.
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If you google "download windows 8 iso," the first hit brings you to the right Microsoft page. I expect the same works for other versions of the Win OS.
  • Question
    What ISO do I use when installing Windows 8 in VirtualBox?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You would use a Windows 8/Windows 8.1 ISO file to install Windows 8/Windows 8.1 in VirtualBox.
  • Question
    How often and for what reasons should Windows be updated within a VirtualBox?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    The virtual machine does not normally update without you forcing it to. Since it is not an actual computer, it will not receive forced updates from Microsoft like your regular computer will.
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Updated: August 10, 2021
Views: 280,263
Categories: Windows 8 | Virtual Machines
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