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Borken Telephone

by Rock, Paper, Cynic

Hello N.S.A 00:00 / 03:50
Hello N.S.A 03:50


Borken Telephone is full songs for real-life situations: like when your robot falls in love with you or your game of broken telephone summons an ancient cosmic evil.

Some songs are funny and clever, and others are poignant and sad. A few feature special guests like The Doubleclicks, Adam WarRock, Kraken Not Stirred and Kirby Krackle!

The album culminates in a massive broken telephone songwriting chain with an epic team of musicians. Working from one base track, each songwriter was asked to recreate the song of the previous artists after listening to it only once. The songs careen off-course to ridiculous, imaginative places in a massive collaboration between Professor Shyguy, The Doubleclicks, Kirby Krackle, Sarah Donner, Alter Ego, Nerds with Guitars, Kari Maaren, Zach Sherwin, Alpha Riff, Adam WarRock, Ask Lovecraft and Tico Souza, Debs & Errol, Jason Anarchy, MC Lars, and MC Frontalot.


released April 19, 2016

Produced by Tico Souza
Recorded, mixed and mastered by Tico Souza
Music and lyrics by Peter Chiykowski


Peter Chiykowski: Vocals, additional guitars
Tico Souza: Piano, also basically everything
André Valério: Guitars, all of the guitars ever
Hayden Farrar: Bass (like a boss)
Ian Wright: Percussion (like a boss)


Laser Webber: Guest vocals on “Geeks in Love”
Aubrey Webber: Cello on “Geeks in Love”
David Lex: Zombie horde vocals on “The Philosophical Zombie Slayer”
Eugene Ahn: Rap vocals and rap lyrics on “One Shell, Two Shell”
Kyle Stevens: Guest vocals and guitar solos on “One Shell, Two Shell”
Mike Bryant: Guitar solo on “A Love Song for the Post-Apocalypse”
Professor Shyguy, The Doubleclicks, Kirby Krackle, Sarah Donner, Alter Ego, Nerds with Guitars, Kari Maaren, Zach Sherwin, Alpha Riff, Adam WarRock, Ask Lovecraft, Tico Souza, Debs & Errol, Jason Anarchy, MC Lars, and MC Frontalot: Writing and performing “The Broken Telephone Experiment Complete Sequence”
Yeoh Jung Chin: Cello on “Broken Telephone”

An absolutely huge thank you to all my Kickstarter backers, especially Ariamaki, for believing in this album!




Rock, Paper, Cynic North Vancouver, British Columbia

Rock, Paper, Cynic writes geek-powered songs for people who are bad at being grown-ups. His music covers serious topics like having a crush on the National Security Agency or taking Netflix as a monogamous lover.

His songs sound like if Jonathan Coulton, the Barenaked Ladies and John K. Samson climbed into a van and weren't allowed out until they wrote something.
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