
Destiny Sold One in Five Copies Digitally, Study Says

A SuperData report shows that digital downloads on consoles increased by 12 percent since last year.

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n4rc3454d ago

20% echo's ubisofts report I believe..

Guess not everyone hates DRM after all huh?

Bigpappy3454d ago (Edited 3454d ago )

Destiny is not published by Ubi-Soft. It's by Activision.

Everyone I know who owns X1 buys their games digitally. Things like EA Access are going to push that share up.

n4rc3454d ago

I'm aware.. My point is ubisoft recently stated 20% of earnings was digital..

So Activision says 20% as well.. Pretty good case against the digital haters..

I also buy all digital (except for sales etc)

NewMonday3454d ago

so almost 2 million digital

SoulMikeY3454d ago

Thank god most people are smart enough not to go digital. Worst decision ever.

JeffGUNZ3452d ago

Oh stop. Do people know how ignorant they sound when they make comments like that? What you are saying is since you prefer buying discs for whatever reason you have, those who go digital must be dumb. You have your reasons and I respect that, but for me, digital is the way to go. I am at a point in my life where buying a $60 game is nothing to my budget. Also, I really loved the beta for Destiny and love the final product. The closest drive to a store that sells any video games (Wal Mart) is about 20 minutes from me and the nearest gamestop is about 35-45 minutes. I work a full-time career which typically has overtime and a family. It is hard for me to get to a store during the week to get a game.

With digital, I can be at my desk at work, go to the xbox marketplace, buy the game and if the Xbox is in the standby mode, it will install on my Xbox One while I am at work. When I get home from work and have the hour or so to play before I have do daily stuff around the house/family, I can sit and play immediately.

I do research on games I am interested on and if they seem to being getting good reviews (player reviews mainly), then I buy the game.

MASTER_RAIDEN3454d ago (Edited 3454d ago )

Lmao nice try dude. Some people buy games digitally every now n then. What does that have to do with DRM (in the way your so OBVIOUSLY trying to reference it lol)?What a stupid attempt to link the two hah

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen3454d ago (Edited 3454d ago )

@"One out of every five copies of Destiny was sold digitally, according to a study by SuperData Research."

"The study also shows that physical copies of Destiny outsold digital copies 4 to 1."

See what I did there?

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen3454d ago (Edited 3454d ago )

Ummm... How did I get a disagree? Do you disagree with the fact that physical copies of Destiny actually DID outsell digital copies 4 to 1 according to the stats cited in the article?

It's basic math. 1 out of 5 = 4 to 1

How can you disagree with something that's a fact?


Notramagama3454d ago

Why NPD numbers dont mean much... Many X1 owners go digital... including myself

mydyingparadiselost3454d ago (Edited 3454d ago )

Study also finds 1 in every 5 people are stuck with Destiny forever, with no way of selling it or getting a refund.
1 in 5 people also believe Obama is literally the Anti Christ.
To be fair, 1 in 5 people know where Turkey is on a map, and that might be a generous number...

N4GDgAPc3454d ago

Study also finds 1 in every 5 people are delusional they think everyone hates Destiny when truthfully the ones that hate it are the majority.

mydyingparadiselost3454d ago

Either that statement didn't come out the way you intended or that's funny, not sure which... :D

MajorGecko3454d ago

digital = better, makes your console last longer because no blu ray is spinning or on, and u never have to get up to change discs :D, and you dont get screwed over by gamestop when u try to trade games in my game collection will be massive and forever :D

mydyingparadiselost3453d ago

Um, those digital games are no where near forever. How long will the 360 and PS3 store servers be up? Another 5, maybe even 10 years tops. Let's say 5, probably go down around when the next gen starts getting hyped. Your HDD fails and you're done, your retro library is over.

Before the store goes down, do you have enough space on that HDD for all your stuff? What stays and what goes? Maybe you find an old PS3 game you want to play... on disc of course since the store is gone... Do you have the space for an installation if it needs it?

Ah, whatever, maybe you don't care about all those dumb old games, you can just sell 'em to a friend or on eBay, make some of that money back to help get that new console!... Well, if you can sell someone on an old consoles with a bunch of digital games on an aging HDD. Shame too, a couple of them are pretty rare now and goe for some good money if it's the physical release.

But whatever, you saved tons of money buying digital! Except that with the sales online and at retail or used all those digital games wound up being more or just as expensive as the physical copy.

Don't even get me started on day one patches, DLC and content being removed post release. Anyway, my point is that maybe you don't have to get up and change a disc but digital is way more limiting in everything else you can do with it. It's just an extended rental, and eventually it's gonna get taken away, at least on consoles.

ipach3453d ago (Edited 3453d ago )

neither new-gen console spins the discs to load levels or anything anymore. once they install the first time, the discs only get spun for the purposes of authentication. probably won't be as big a source of wear as in the past. that said, i agree digital is the better experience


Destiny Made Over $160 Million In Microtransaction Revenue In Less Than 2 Years

Destiny has made over $160 million in MTX revenue, and these numbers only account the data from late 2017 to early 2019.

Sgt_Slaughter337d ago

That's extremely low for microtransactions, especially for a game that's essentially designed around it

LucasRuinedChildhood337d ago (Edited 337d ago )

This was back when the game wasn't free to play.

The figures are from November 2017 to February 2019 (1 year and 4 months).

Based on that projection, the MTX revenue for Destiny 2 likely would have been closer to ~$240m for 2 years.

Not sure if premium expansions are included in that figure either although ... I'd hope that they are though and that most of the revenue was for actual content like Forsaken.

People spend way too much money on cosmetics.

Rude-ro337d ago (Edited 337d ago )

Seasons($10 and just got bumped to $12) and dungeon keys($10 each, two a year) are through the eververse(micro transaction) store.
So for those two years, in order to play a season, you would pay through micro transactions.

Sonic1881337d ago (Edited 337d ago )

Bungie Marathon will be worse since it's designed around it as well

Kurt Russell336d ago

It makes me sad to agree... but at the same time I am looking forward to giving it a go. Destiny 2 is so far in, I find it difficult to figure out what I am meant to do first.

buffig337d ago

I think FIFA alone makes over $1bn a year from mtx

anast337d ago

FIFA promotes a worldwide sport. It should make more money than destiny.

CantThinkOfAUsername337d ago (Edited 337d ago )

Let's compare something similar. Apex Legends and its ridiculous $18/$40 skins make EA a billion each year.

z2g337d ago

For as much as ppl complain how much they hate microtransactions, they sure don’t act like it. No wonder they aren’t going anywhere.

spicelicka337d ago

By "people" you're referring to millions and millions of people. Obviously the ones complaining aren't necessarily the same as the ones spending all that money.

337d ago Replies(1)
337d ago
Father__Merrin337d ago

There's millions that purchase MTX and there's nothing we can do about it

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spoonard488d ago

I've been thinking about playing through D1 again before it goes away...

CobraKai488d ago

That’s the sad reality of a game like this. I bought it, invested lots of money, and it can go away at anytime. I still think this was more fun than 2.

jeromeface487d ago

prob because 2 is a grindfest slog

spoonard485d ago

That's the bummer of 'games as a service'.