Low opt rate with Bing

Discussion in 'Bing' started by behnampmdg3, May 7, 2015.

  1. #1
    Hello friends;
    I managed to kinda fix my traffic issue. PPC but I pay a lot less that what I originally was paying than what I used to.

    The issue:

    I am getting good traffic very cheap (almost 30 visitors an hour), but almost no one opts in (3% ish). Bounce rate also decreased from 98% to 85% (avg session time was 12 seconds, now it's over 1.2 min).

    I thought the issue is either opt in page or the quality of traffic.

    As for landing page, it is 100% from Fran Kern's simple opt in page design offering a free course Eben style.

    And for keywords, all keywords are either exact or phrase match type.

    What would you recommend I modify next? Completely different design? The same page with different headline? A different offer? Anything else?

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    Thank you.
    behnampmdg3, May 7, 2015 IP
  2. Reetah

    Reetah Peon

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    Try different traffic sources and create different landing pages to test and then optimize those traffic with best converting landing page.
    Reetah, May 8, 2015 IP
  3. besttool2016

    besttool2016 Member

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    You can try modify the wordings of your bing ads.
    besttool2016, Jan 17, 2016 IP