she’s dancing in her sleep, boys: stars, photographed by soho, 21st december 2015.
i can feel it in my bones.
image credit: nasa/soho. animation: ageofdestruction. lyrics: tom waits.
she’s dancing in her sleep, boys: stars, photographed by soho, 21st december 2015.
i can feel it in my bones.
image credit: nasa/soho. animation: ageofdestruction. lyrics: tom waits.
time series: saturn’s rings and moons, photographed by cassini, 25th december 2015.
20 frames. 2nd gif adds each frame, displaced slightly to the right, to the previous ones.
image credit: nasa/jpl/ssi. animation: ageofdestruction.
as close as your arms, as cold as your bed: coast of antarctica, photographed by nasa’s terra & aqua satellites, november 2015.
ice floes in the weddell sea.
image credit: nasa/modis. animation: ageofdestruction.
west coast & pacific, photographed by terra & aqua, july 2015.
18 images, 5th-15th july.
image credit: nasa/modis. animation: ageofdestruction.
asteroid 4 vesta, photographed by dawn, 3rd september 2011.
20 images; aligned to an arbitrary crater, and in their original configuration.
image credit: nasa/jpl-caltech/ucla/mps/dlr/ida. animation: ageofdestruction.
corner of saginaw & east schumacher, burton, michigan.
google street view study.
animation: ageofdestruction.
allegiance: Surface of the Moon, photographed by Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, 20th July 2013.
Around 13°N 84°E. A sample of the basaltic lava plains that fill the dark lunar mares; in this case the Mare Marginis at the eastern edge of nearside. Marginis is a relatively minor mare, but still covers about 62,000 square km; more than 4 of the 5 Great Lakes. This image detail is about 6km on the side.
Image credit: NASA/GSFC/ASU.
euryphaessa: Saturn, photographed by Cassini, 23rd June 2013.
Taken from about 730,000km away, nearly twice the average distance between Earth and the Moon.
More Space Minimalism.
Image credit: NASA/JPL/SSI.
blue: Eastern Mediterranean, photographed by Terra, 10th September 2013.
About 426km on the side, covering approximately 181,000 square km. Detail of a larger image.
Image credit: NASA/MODIS.