Paul McCartney Really Is Dead: The Last Testament of George Harrison

Paul McCartney Really Is Dead: The Last Testament of George Harrison ★★½

"He blew his mind out in a car..." - John Lennon

Batshit, highly tasteless mockumentary on the Paul is Dead conspiracy thats been kicking around and added to since 69. It goes through so much wildly preposterous detail on the infamous notion Paul McCartney had died in the mid '60s at the height of The Beatles fame and was replaced with a cosmetically altered body double who won a look-alike contest, that you actually start to think there could be some truth even some elaborate in-band prank even. Hell if nothing else it made listening to the Anthology 2 version of 'A Day in the Life' afterwards hella creepy, that features a count to 23 then an alarm sound.

Shame it wasn't funny and more tastefully done and didn't use the idea of George Harrisons faux hospital bed tapes to tell its story. Guess its worth seeing for showing how creative conspiracy cranks can be, and how subversive the Beatles were for a pop band.

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