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Porsche just eBayed a model of its Le Mans-winning 919 for $106,100

Porsche just eBayed a model of its Le Mans-winning 919 for $106,100

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Spending over $100,000 on a car puts you squarely in the one percent. Spending over $100,000 on a car that doesn't even run? Well, that puts you in a different category altogether.

Porsche listed a non-functional model of its 919 Hybrid Le Mans prototype on eBay recently, netting a hair over $106,000 for charity — the proceeds benefit Singapore's SportCares Foundation and Movement, which Porsche describes as using "sport as a force for social good." The company says that this particular chassis is a "1:1 Model Car," which seems like an apt description: it rolls, but there's no drivetrain. Needless to say, you'd be paying a little more for that 2-liter turbo four and its accompanying electric motors if they were all present and accounted for.

The good news is that Porsche says it's fit to be mounted on a wall, which makes it the perfect gift for a motorsports-obsessed billionaire with some free wall space in the library of their Hamptons summer home — particularly on the heels of Porsche's one-two win at the 24 Hours of Le Mans recently. It's also in arguably the 919's best livery, featuring "Porsche Intelligent Performance" spelled out on top in enormous letters. The lights even work, if you plug it in.