
California U-turns, DMV releases self-driving car crash data

Facing pressure from the Associated Press, the California Department of Motor Vehicles released incident reports for self-driving cars on Thursday. The department had previously refused to do so, as state law regards collision reports as confidential. Per the initial DMV release, a majority of the accidents occurred when the car was in self-driving mode but were caused by the other vehicles involved. None of the accidents mentioned were serious enough to injure passengers in either car. Google, which has a team of companies working on its upcoming self-driving car prototype (pictured above), released its own crash report earlier this month at the behest of curious observers. In all, Google's 23 vehicles have traveled 1.8 million miles of California highways (1.1 million in self-driving mode), and were involved in a total of 12 fender benders over that time span.

[Image Credit: AP]