Snoring can be a real nuisance for you or your partner and while there are many tips and tricks to help prevent snoring, not all of them work. That’s why doctors developed the anti-snoring mouthpiece, a small plastic device worn in the mouth during sleep to prevent the soft throat tissues from collapsing and obstructing the airway. Using an anti-snoring mouthpiece can result in a significant decrease in snoring as well as a decrease in snoring intensity.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Choosing a Mouthpiece

  1. [1] It’s a good idea to talk to your doctor before buying an anti-snoring mouthpiece. Snoring can be an indication of a condition called sleep apnea, which can cause high blood pressure, heart problems, or even Type 2 diabetes.[2] Make sure you don’t have any underlying health issues and that an anti-snoring mouthpiece is appropriate for you.
  2. There are two main categories of mouthpiece, Mandibular Advancement Devices and Tongue Retaining Devices.
    • Mandibular Advancement Devices are the most common type of oral device.
      • They look similar to a mouthguard and usually have some of type of plastic or wire hinge on the sides.
      • They prevent snoring by moving the lower jaw forward, which helps open the airway
      • They cannot be used if you have a full set of dentures.
      • Mandibular Advancement Devices have been shown to reduce subjective daytime sleepiness, the frequency of respiratory events, and the frequency of waking from sleep, while increasing the duration of sleep.
    • Tongue Retaining Devices are less common but are preferred by some people.
      • They look like a mouthguard except they have a protruding plastic bulb at the end of it.[3]
      • They work by pulling the tongue forward to prevent it from obstructing the airway.
      • Some people prefer a Tongue Retaining Device because they have a large tongue or because they are unable or unwilling to fit a device over their teeth.
  3. Many anti-snoring mouthpieces are quite affordable. They range in price from $35 to over $250. Price depends on whether the mouthpiece will be custom-fit by a specialist using an impression of your teeth or whether the mouthpiece will be molded by you at home. Other factors that affect price is whether the mouthpiece is adjustable and how long the mouthpiece might last.
  4. There are many online sources to purchase anti-snoring mouthpieces. Be aware that anti-snoring mouthpieces are typically classified as Class II Medical Devices and may require a prescription from your doctor. Also, don’t be fooled into purchasing a nightguard even though it looks similar to an anti-snoring mouthpiece and is cheaper. Nightguards are designed to stop you from grinding your teeth and won’t help prevent snoring.
  5. Many mouthpieces involve a boil-and-bite technique, which you can do from the comfort of your own home. This involves softening the mouthpiece using warm water and biting on it to form a mold of your teeth. Make sure to read the instructions for your product to determine exactly what steps to follow.
Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Molding Your Own Mouthpiece

    • A toothbrush
    • Toothpaste
    • A medium sized pot for boiling water
    • A slotted spoon
    • A timer that shows minutes and seconds
    • A clean towel
    • A pair of scissors
  1. This will help you decide which mouthpiece settings to use
    • Typical bite: your top front teeth slightly overlap your bottom front teeth.
    • Mild underbite: your top front teeth are even with or slightly behind your bottom front teeth.
    • Severe underbite: your top front teeth are very far behind your bottom front teeth.
    • Overbite: your top front teeth are very far in front of your bottom front teeth.
  2. It is important that your mouthpiece fits properly in your mouth while you sleep. This ensures safety, comfort and effectiveness. Molding of the mouthpiece typically only needs to be done once.
  3. Use your regular toothbrush and toothpaste. You can also use floss if you like. It’s important that little bits of food don’t get into the mouthpiece and alter the shape of it during fitting.
  4. Place enough clean water in the pot to cover the mouthpiece. Bring the water to a simmer or slightly above.
  5. Lower the mouthpiece into the water using the slotted spoon. This will help you avoid burning your fingers.
  6. You should typically leave the mouthpiece in the boiling water for exactly two minutes. Make sure you start timing immediately.
  7. Use the slotted spoon to remove the mouthpiece. Allow the mouthpiece to cool for fifteen seconds.
  8. Insert the warm mouthpiece into your mouth. Make sure you are holding your lower jaw forward for the best fit. Bite down on the mouthpiece hard enough to make a solid impression in the plastic. Hold your bite for thirty seconds.
  9. Make sure you don’t make an impression in the plastic or you might ruin the mold. Let the mouthpiece fully cool before handling it further.
  10. Sometimes the molding process creates jagged edges that might hurt your mouth. Trim these but be careful not to trim too much.
  11. A dentist with expertise in sleep-related breathing disorders can ensure your mouthpiece fits properly.
Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Using Your Mouthpiece

  1. Follow your normal bedtime procedures, which may include brushing your teeth, flossing and using mouthwash. Also, remove any partial dentures. It’s a good idea to have clean teeth before putting in your anti-snoring mouthpiece to help maintain cleanliness of your mouth and the mouthpiece.
  2. Some people prefer to put in the mouthpiece up to 30 minutes before bed so they can get used to the feeling of it before going to sleep.
  3. Some mouthpieces have adjustable features, which can be changed according to your mouth and needs.
  4. If you notice excess saliva, if the mouthpiece makes you gag, or if you experience any major discomfort, remove the mouthpiece and ensure you have put it in correctly.
  5. The mouthpiece should be worn throughout the night, but if your mouthpiece feels uncomfortable and wakes you up, simply take it out and try wearing it again the following night. It sometimes takes a few days to get used to the sensation of it in your mouth. Also, sleep normally but try to sleep on your side or stomach as this will help with your breathing.
Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Cleaning the Mouthpiece

  1. It’s a good idea to remove the mouthpiece as soon as you get out of bed to prevent unnecessary wear and tear.
  2. Use warm water, a hard-bristle toothbrush and non-whitening, non-abrasive toothpaste
  3. Denture cleaning tablets are quite affordable and can be bought at most drugstores.
  4. It’s a good idea to have a designated place where you always store your mouthpiece so you don’t misplace or lose it.
  5. Do not continue wearing a damaged mouthpiece. There is a significant risk that a piece could break off and obstruct your airway while you are sleeping.

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  • If you do not stop snoring completely, change the settings on your mouthpiece or remold it with your jaw in a different position.
  • It may take a few nights to get accustomed to sleeping with the mouthpiece.


  • Never share your mouthpiece with someone else. It is designed specifically for you.
  • Anti-snoring mouthpieces are not recommended for children under 18 because their jaws are still developing
  • Snoring can be an indication that you have sleep apnea, a condition where breathing is disrupted during sleep, which can increase the risk of heart disease and other complications[4]

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About this article

Marc Kayem, MD
Co-authored by:
Sleep Specialist
This article was co-authored by Marc Kayem, MD. Dr. Marc Kayem is a board certified Otolaryngologist and Facial Plastic Surgeon based in Beverly Hills, California. He practices and specializes in cosmetic services and sleep-related disorders. He received his Doctorate in Medicine from the University of Ottawa, is board certified by the American Board of Otolaryngology, and is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada. This article has been viewed 46,736 times.
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Updated: September 16, 2021
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