1. Happy Birthday Jane

    So while we’re in the throws of production for All’s Fair Play, and up to our eyeballs in work, I still had to take a second to say it:

    Happy Birthday Jane :)

    It’s been a crazy 8 months- and we’ve run so quickly into producing the next series that while I miss everything about that character and that show, I don’t always have the time to dwell on it properly. But from time to time I’ll see another gif set or run into a text post in the AoJE tag- with a very quiet “we miss you”, sometimes just hidden in the tags of a post, and my heart just swells.

    Jane and her story were such a big part of my life and the lives of so many people for almost 2 years, that it’s weird sometimes to be living without her. But in a way she became so embedded in every aspect of what I do, and so much of what I learned in those 2 years that for me at least, she’s always hanging around.

    So today, and hopefully yesterday, (as Jane’s B-day is actually on Feb 29th) we raise our glass to you girl and to everyone who cared about your story.

    I know you’re happy and loved, so Thank You for giving us so much of the same.

    - Nessa 

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