Donna Shalala to Lead Clinton Foundation

Hillary Rodham Clinton with Donna E. Shalala at an event in Miami last year.Credit Joe Raedle/Getty Images

The Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation has chosen Donna E. Shalala, a cabinet member in the Clinton administration, to lead the sprawling philanthropy, former President Bill Clinton announced on Friday.

Ms. Shalala, 74, an old friend of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s, is currently president of the University of Miami. Her appointment comes at a time of turmoil for the foundation, which has come under scrutiny for its acceptance of millions of dollars in donations from foreign governments as Mrs. Clinton prepares for a likely 2016 presidential campaign.

The philanthropy, started by Mr. Clinton, has also experienced some growing pains recently. Chelsea Clinton, who became its vice chairwoman in 2013, has taken on a leadership role. Eric Braverman, a friend and former colleague of hers at McKinsey & Co. was named to replace Bruce R. Lindsey, a longtime confidant to Mr. Clinton, as the foundation’s chief executive officer. But Mr. Braverman encountered challenges at the charity and left in just 18 months.

Ms. Clinton had a key role in persuading Ms. Shalala to leave Miami to run the charity. Another veteran of the Clinton administration, John D. Podesta, the former White House chief of staff, is expected to serve as campaign chairman for Mrs. Clinton.

But the foundation could lose some of its key leadership as attention and resources shift to Mrs. Clinton’s likely campaign. Dennis Cheng, who helped build the foundation’s $246 million endowment, left last month to help Mrs. Clinton with fund-raising.

The Clinton Foundation board must approve Ms. Shalala’s appointment, which was first reported by The Wall Street Journal.

Ms. Shalala served as secretary of health and human services for both Mr. Clinton’s terms, but was not shy about criticizing the scandals that enveloped him. “It just hit against every principle I’ve had in my life and the world that I come from,” Ms. Shalala said, describing the moment she learned that Mr. Clinton had lied about his relationship with an intern. “Everyone was being a bit of an apologist for him in the room, and I just blew up,” she said, for an oral history at the University of Virginia.