China | Inequality

Gini out of the bottle

This article appeared in the China section of the print edition under the headline “Gini out of the bottle”

The gambler

From the January 26th 2013 edition

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Tank landing crafts

China is developing some startling new kit in its quest to reclaim Taiwan

It could land troops there more speedily than ever

A morning commuter on a bicycle near the CCTV tower in Beijing, China

Ageism is rampant in Chinese companies

Never mind the middle-aged; millennials beware

A Chinese flag is seen in front of containers at the Yangshan Deep-Water Port, Shanghai

Why China hates the Panama Canal deal, but still may not block it

Xi Jinping might need to lose some to win some

Hong Kong’s taxi drivers are told to smile more

A courtesy campaign seeks to attract more tourists

American politics prompt some Chinese to explore historical taboos

Comparisons with the Cultural Revolution abound

China’s super-smart Tesla-killers

Carmakers are pushing for autonomous driving’s “ChatGPT moment”