Broccoli rabe, also known as broccoli raab and rapini, is actually more closely related to turnips than to broccoli. However, broccoli rabe has a similar taste to broccoli and buds that are similar to broccoli buds. Broccoli rabe is a good source of vitamins A, C, and K. It is also a good source of potassium. This article will show you how to prepare and cook broccoli rabe.

Method 1
Method 1 of 6:

Preparing Broccoli Rabe

    • Avoid wilted or yellowing broccoli rabe and broccoli rabe that has any dark patches or slime.
  1. If necessary, drain the water and repeat the process until the broccoli rabe is free of dirt.
    • Do not wash broccoli rabe until just before you are ready to use it to avoid mold and decay.
  2. You do not need to peel the stems of broccoli rabe.
    • If desired, you can cut the stems off the broccoli rabe up to the bottom of the leaf. Stems can be chopped and cooked a few minutes longer than the leaves.
    • Stems of broccoli rabe can also be discarded and only the leaves and buds are prepared and eaten.
Method 2
Method 2 of 6:

Steaming Broccoli Rabe

  1. Bring the water to a boil.
    • If you do not have a steamer, put a small amount of water in a pot. Place a colander or mesh strainer with the broccoli rabe inside the pot. Place the pot's lid on top and boil the water.[1]
  2. Steam them until they are tender and wilted.
  3. The broccoli rabe is now ready to eat.
Method 3
Method 3 of 6:

Sauteing Broccoli Rabe

  1. Wait until the pan is thoroughly heated up and the butter is melted (if you are using butter) before adding the broccoli rabe stems.
  2. Add garlic for a more flavorful broccoli rabe.
  3. Stir occasionally for 1 to 2 minutes or until done.[2]
Method 4
Method 4 of 6:

Blanching Broccoli Rabe

  1. It is not necessary to use a non-reactive pot. When the water is boiling, add the broccoli rabe stems. Cook for 2 minutes.
  2. Cook both stems and leaves for 1 to 2 minutes more.
  3. Take the broccoli rabe out and pat it dry with a paper towel or clean kitchen towel.
Method 5
Method 5 of 6:

Microwaving Broccoli Rabe

  1. Do not dry the broccoli rabe off after you have washed it.
  2. This should take about 1 minute. Be sure to add the stems first if you are using them.
    • Microwaves vary in intensity. Be sure to check your broccoli rabe frequently until you learn how long to cook it in your specific microwave.
Method 6
Method 6 of 6:

Simmering Broccoli Rabe

  1. Wait for the water to boil and then add the broccoli rabe.
  2. It is not necessary to use a non-reactive pot.
    • Simmering the broccoli rabe should take 1 to 2 minutes.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I reduce the bitterness for more flavor?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Once you clean the broccoli rabe, soak it in cold water, then rinse three times. The water will turn a greenish color each time you rinse it. This cuts the bitterness in the final cooking with olive oil and garlic.
  • Question
    While making broccoli and cavatellli, do I use the leaves from the broccoli rabe as well?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    No. They are more bitter than the rest of the broccoli and leave a weird aftertaste.
  • Question
    Isn't this just broccoli?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It's similar, but broccoli rabe is more closely related to turnips than broccoli, actually.
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  • Be aware that the taste of broccoli rabe is more bitter than the taste of broccoli.
  • Store broccoli rabe for up to 3 days in the refrigerator loosely wrapped in a plastic bag. It is best to buy or harvest broccoli rabe as close as possible to the time when you are going to prepare it.

About this article

Marrow Private Chefs
Co-authored by:
Culinary Experts
This article was co-authored by Marrow Private Chefs. Marrow Private Chefs are based in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida. It is a chefs’ collective comprised of an ever-growing number of chefs and culinary professionals. Though regionally influenced primarily by coastal, traditional southern, cajun, and creole styles and flavors, the chefs at Marrow have a solid background in all types of cuisine with over 75 years of combined cooking experience. This article has been viewed 110,220 times.
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Co-authors: 9
Updated: July 13, 2023
Views: 110,220
Article SummaryX

To prepare and cook broccoli rabe, rinse it well under cold water, then use a sharp knife to cut off the tough ends of the stems. If you’re steaming broccoli rabe, bring a small amount of water to boil in a steamer, then add the stems and steam them for about 5 minutes. Once they are tender and wilted, add the leaves and buds and steam them for an additional 1-2 minutes. Strain off any extra water, season the broccoli rabe to taste, and serve. To learn how to saute or blanch your broccoli rabe, keep reading the article!

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  • Anonymous


    May 16, 2017

    "How to reduce the bitter taste was very helpful."

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