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    Breathtaking Photos Of Midsummer Celebrations That Will Give You FOMO

    The summer solstice is June 21, and Europe is celebrating!

    1. Midsummer festivals in northern Europe pre-date Christianity.

    2. Many traditions persist, like making flower wreaths.

    3. And lighting bonfires, like this one.

    4. And this gigantic one.

    5. And this one, that's burning a witch in effigy.

    6. Look at this gorgeous flower crown.

    7. And this leaf-crown and green braids combo.

    8. There are Maypoles, like this one.

    9. Or this big one.

    10. Celebrations are often outdoors, close to nature.

    12. Where there are stunning colors.

    13. And flower-decked meadows.

    14. Flower crowns are woven...

    15. ...and worn.

    17. Here's another beautiful bonfire.

    18. And some happy revelers.

    19. Of course kids get in on the fun.

    20. This is Slinningsbålet, a huge bonfire in Norway, waiting to be lit.

    21. Naturally, it draws crowds.

    22. Many of whom arrive on boats.

    23. The fire beginning to burn.

    24. That is one giant bonfire.

    25. Do you feel the FOMO yet?

    26. Bye, going to celebrate Midsummer now.