DOWNLOAD POWERPOINT PRESENTATION A Presentation by Jim Lee of ClimateViewer News given at the Freedom Force International’s 3rd Congress in Phoenix, Arizona. December 3, 2016. G. Edward Griffin’s “Global Warming: an Inconvenient Lie” BUY DVD: TABLE OF CONTENTS (2:08) Rainmaker Charles Hatfield and the Lake Morena dam failure (2:45) birth of cloud seeding 1946 (3:07) Project Cirrus: first cloud seeding on tropical storm (3:39) Irving P. Krick invents ground-based cloud seeding generator (4:02) map of cloud seeding projects 1952-1965 (4:12) chemtrails 1958 (4:33) US Navy makes clouds with carbon black 1958 (4:55) map of cloud seeding projects 1961-1988 (Project Skywater) (5:43) Space Weather Modification begins (6:11) strontium and barium ion cloud in space (sounding rockets and satellites) (6:51) chemtrail lawsuit 1970 - New Jersey and Illinois sue airline industry over "smoke pollution of the skies" (7:26) WEATHER WARFARE: Operation Popeye (8:57) weather modification reporting laws and forms (1972, 1976) (9:32) WEATHER WARFARE UN BAN: ENMOD 1978 (10:36) why ENMOD has no teeth (10:48) modern cloud seeding and the Blue Gold Rush (Water Wars) (12:15) dept. of homeland security hurricane control (12:59) USAF and USN carbon black weather warfare FOIAs, Owning the Weather, Weather Modification Test Technology Symposium 97 (14:26) cloud ionizers - electric rainmaking (15:10) steering atmospheric rivers (16:27) GEOPHYSICAL WARFARE - Ionospheric Heaters and electromagnetic emissions (17:51) HAARP (20:23) HAARP on a Boat: why the military sold HAARP to the Univ. of Alaska (22:00) GEOENGINEERING, CLIMATE ENGINEERING, AND CLIMATE INTERVENTION (24:00) Bill Gates FICER and funding geoengineering lobbyists (28:48) Artificial Clouds: Ship tracks (29:54) Artificial Clouds: Contrail Cirrus (32:02) Chemtrail terminology and "Accidental Geoengineering" (34:27) EPA hearing (Aug. 2015) on Chemtrails (36:45) Rogue Geoengineering, Clandestine Operations, and ENMOD (37:24) THE SOLUTION: A CITIZEN-POWERED SENSOR NETWORK TO DETECT WEATHER WARFARE AND CLOUD SEEDING RELATED ACTIVITIES THAT LEAD TO INJURY AND A DEMAND FOR GLOBAL TRANSPARENCY IN ATMOSPHERIC EXPERIMENTATION, NOW! Jim Lee To Present Geoengineering Research At Ed Griffin’s Global Warming; An Inconvenient Lie (Nov 2016) - WEBSITES BLOG: MAP: TIMELINE: CHAT: - SUPPORT CLIMATEVIEWER! - MY VIDEOS

ClimateViewer Gang Q&A with Jeff

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This video series by Jim Lee explains HAARP and Ionospheric Heater related research. Maps, timelines, and more info on Climate Viewer News:
THE ANATOMY OF SLAVESPEAK: Once you understand political Slavespeak (the language used to establish and maintain master-slave relationships), you become very aware of how those who don't understand Slavespeak can be dominated, subjugated, and controlled by words — essentially enslaved by words. Correspondingly, you become impervious to external control through words. In other words, you enjoy more freedom — you have more options available to you. "Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas." -- Joseph Stalin "Language creates spooks that get into our heads and hypnotize us." -- Robert Anton Wilson, Introduction to The Tree of Lies (by Christopher S. Hyatt. Ph.D.) "It is hard to fight an enemy who has outposts in your head." -- Sally Kempton "The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed." -- Steve Biko Propaganda, Fake News, and Activism

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