19 Times Grey's Anatomy Kicked Us Right in the Heart Parts
To quote McDreamy himself, "We've survived an unusual number of very bad things." And devoted Grey's Anatomy fans know exactly how he feels. Loving Grey's is not for the weak-hearted; it takes strength and the understanding that bad things will happen. We can always take solace in the fact that Grey's totally just, like, gets us, but another sob-inducing moment could be right around the corner. Seriously — there have been so many absolutely devastating moments over the years. If you need an excuse to cry today, check out all the times the show took a serious toll on our emotional well-being.
When Stephanie Loses Kyle
Kyle tragically dies near the end of season 12, leaving us to wonder if Stephanie will ever be OK again. Frankly, we're wondering the same about ourselves.
When a Patient Nearly Kills Meredith
Cristina's Ectopic Pregnancy
We can handle a lot of things, but when tough-cookie Cristina Yang loses it . . . all bets are off.
When Lexie Dies in the Plane Crash
As she fades, Mark is promising her the future she's always wanted . . . marriage, kids, all of it. Ouch.
When Meredith Nearly Drowns
Come on, Meredith!
When There's a Bomb — In a Man
That time Coach Taylor had to talk Meredith through the surgery of a man attached to a homemade bomb.
And it explodes anyway.
When Derek and Callie Say Goodbye to Mark
We had to wait for it, knowing what was coming the whole time. Longest. Episode. Ever.
We prefer to remember the good times.
When Derek Gets Shot
Almost as brutal as watching Derek take the bullet is Meredith fighting to get in front of it herself. Just no.
It gets worse. The shooter threatens Cristina while she tries to operate on Derek. We didn't have any tissues left.
When Burke Leaves Cristina at the Altar
We like Owen better anyway.
When April Says Goodbye to Her Baby
It's hard to imagine a scene more loaded with emotional triggers. Every tear was shed.
When Callie and Arizona Crash
The hard part starts after Callie wakes up — which we weren't sure she would.
When Meredith Confronts Her Father
Damn those daddy issues.
Alex and Izzie's Entire Relationship
I well up just thinking about them together. Sigh.
"You're My Person"
I dare you not to feel something. I dare you.
When Denny Dies
One of the first and most epic love stories of the Grey's mythology, Denny and Izzie set the bar for what to expect from a Grey's-style love story.
When George Is John Doe
I . . . just . . . can't . . . even
When Izzie Dies For a Hot Second
And Alex is devastated, and I'm destroyed, and nothing is right with world as I know it.
Until George and Izzie meet in the elevator in heaven, and I feel some small sliver of hope. (Of course then she comes back to life.)
When Alex Is Shot
Nothing bad should ever happen to Alex. Why would they do this to us him?