
Jurassica by Jad Jacob

@j-urassica / j-urassica.tumblr.com

High End Fashion Made With Elegance And Style

Reblog if no matter if you have 50,000 or 50 followers, you appreciate every single one. Reblog if you appreciate the messages you get, whether it's 100 or 1. Reblog if a little smile comes across your face everytime you see a new follower or message. Reblog if even though most of us aren't tumblr famous, we appreciate the little things.


so much appreciation and love for every single one of you ! 


A little gift

Would anyone like to have a custom pair of heels created for them exclusively ?

Reply/like/reblog this post if you’d like a pair of custom created heels exclusively for yourself.

Maybe i’ll create one,maybe two or maybe three,who knows?

Winner will be picked randomly.

The only rules are that you must be following me,and have interacted with this post (like/reblog/reply)

Winner will be picked WITHIN a week,still not certain about what day exactly.

Reblog this so more people have a chance of being a part of this little giveaway.

Trying to spread some love ❤️

Anonymous asked:

I'm just dropping by to say thank you for all the shoes you've made!! i love them all so much ((too much maybe lmao))

thank you !! wait for some new shoes coming so soon ! 

Anonymous asked:

I was just wondering if you ever had any plans to release the full Misrule collection? It's incredible and my greedy hands need it in my game asap ha!

the collection had many faults,i’ll try my best to fix them or recreate them, in the mean time,i am working on a new collection that’s going to be hella fresh ! stay tuned boo :*

Anonymous asked:

I dunno if u're active, but can u use the JoshQ mesh feet for ur shoes? It looks much betta!

thank you for the recommendation ! i’ll see what i can do !

Anonymous asked:

Do you have any shoes for ts2?

no :(


PLEASE make your cc for Sims 4, I LOVE your work!!!!!!!


thank you my love ! i’ll try my best to learn how to create for the Sims 4 in my spare time ! thank you for the love


Hiya, I was wondering if you decided against publicly releasing the bejeweled heels and choker from your Misrule set? Those are some of the prettiest pieces of CC I've seen for TS3!


hello love ! i didn’t release that heel because it had a lot of problems,if i find a way to fix it i’ll be happy to release it ! it’s one of my favorite heels as well ! thank you so much for your love babe

Anonymous asked:

Will you be converting your shoes to sims 4 soon? Or will others be allowed to convert them to sims 4? I just saw a sims 4 look book with your shoes and they looked amazing in Sims 4 but obviously weren’t available to download unfortunately, but I NEED THEM in my life lol, I’m going to EXPLODE.

Hello love ! Non of my creations are available for public download for the sim 4 at the moment,and i didn't give anyone the permission to convert them publicly.I am willing to learn how to do that, and convert them all by myself.I am coming back in the future,i just need some time to finish this school year.Plus,can you link me to that lookbook? I would love to see my creations in the sims 4All the love❤️

Anonymous asked:

Probably pushing my luck here, but are you ever going to release those chunky boots? I'd really like them. And that strappy outfit? But then again, I noticed you haven't been around so maybe I'm kicking a dead horse.

I’ll try my best to get them to life, i am sorry i was not active at all, i am going through my hardest year of studying and i really don’t have a tiny bit of time,i created my latest one in my winter break and i start my second semester tomorrow ! Will probably get them to life as soon as i have some free time ! I love youu !

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