Russia and NATO stage rival air combat exercises

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This was published 9 years ago

Russia and NATO stage rival air combat exercises

By Carol J. Williams

Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered four days of air combat readiness testing, the third major military exercise staged by the Kremlin in the past three months.

The drills would involve 12,000 troops, 250 aircraft and nearly 700 artillery pieces and other heavy weaponry and include cruise missile strikes at an imaginary enemy target at a Siberian firing range, the Tass news agency reported.

The surprise test of the Russian Central Military District's ability to fend off an air invasion coincides with NATO-led military exercises over the Arctic region that are part of the Western alliance's response to Russia's stepped-up manoeuvres over the Baltic and Northern European regions.

About 100 fighter jets and 4000 military personnel from the United States and eight European countries began exercises over the Arctic on Monday, Norwegian Brigadier General Jan Ove Rygg announced in a statement from Oslo.

A US F-16CM fighter takes off from Kallax Airport outside Lulea, in northern Sweden, during the Arctic Challenge Exercise.

A US F-16CM fighter takes off from Kallax Airport outside Lulea, in northern Sweden, during the Arctic Challenge Exercise.Credit: AFP

The Western manoeuvres that will run until June 5 also include live-fire exercises. They involve six member states of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation – the US, Germany, Britain, France, Norway and the Netherlands – as well as non-NATO states Sweden, Finland and Switzerland.

Russia's Northern Fleet carried out drills in the Barents Sea in March, involving 40,000 soldiers and sailors, more than 150 combat aircraft and dozens of warships.

Russian naval forces last week completed 10 days of joint operations with Chinese vessels in the Mediterranean Sea, the first exercises by the Asian giants in the strategic waters between southern Europe, northern Africa and the Middle East. Neither Russia nor China has coastline in the Mediterranean, and the war games were seen as another flexing of military muscle in defiance of NATO.

There have also been smaller exercises led by Russia in recent months to test interoperability with armed forces in allied central Asian states, including Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.


NATO and the US have likewise conducted bilateral training exercises with former Soviet republics, including Georgia and Ukraine, in recent weeks.

Russia's National Security Committee last year rewrote the country's defence doctrine, identifying NATO as the No. 1 threat to the security of the Russian Federation.


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