1915: Italy Stands Ready to Enter the Great War

A proclamation by Emperor Franz Joseph to the people of the Austro-Hungarian empire, dated May 23, 1915, which states, "The King of Italy has declared war on me." Credit Österreichische Nationalbibliothek

MILAN — Despatches from Rome state that Italy’s neutrality is inexorably nearing the end. The ‘‘Agenzia Nazionale’’ says that the last term set by Italy for Austria’s reply expires to-morrow [May 11] at midday. If by that time Austria fails to reply, or the reply is different from what Italy desires, negotiations will be considered as broken off.

With reference to the rumor published by the Herald that Italy will abandon her neutrality by declaring war on Turkey, the ‘‘Secolo’’ says that reports are current in Rome to the effect that the Government has sent a message to Turkey denouncing the Treaty of Lausanne and proclaiming the annexation of the Dodecanese, or the twelve islands in the Southern Aegean, which remained in Italy’s keeping as a pledge for the fulfillment of the conditions stipulated in the Italo-Turkish peace compact made at the conclusion of the Libyan War.

Apparently confirming this statement, a despatch from Constantinople, via Berlin and Amsterdam, says that the Italian Ambassador has had an interview with the Grand Vizier.

According to a despatch from Venice to the ‘‘Daily Chronicle,’’ preparations are being made in Austria for the rapid retirement of troops from untenable positions on the frontier in the event of an Italian invasion. In the Adige valley the frontier station of Ala is reported to be deserted, except for a few officials. — The New York Herald, European Edition, May 11, 1915