Nutrient to Know: Zeaxanthin

This antioxidant powerhouse helps to protect your vision. Are you getting enough in your diet?
Massaged Kale Salad

Massaged Kale Salad: Aarti Sequeira

Photo by: Tara Donne ©Tara Donne

Tara Donne, Tara Donne

This antioxidant powerhouse helps to protect your vision. Are you getting enough in your diet?
What Is It?

Like its pal lutein, zeaxanthin may reduce your risk of a condition known as age-related macular degeneration, the leading cause of vision loss as we get older. Lutein and zeaxanthin are members of the carotenoid family of antioxidants, which includes beta-carotene and lycopene.

Why Is It Good For You?

In addition to protecting your eyes, antioxidants in the carotenoid family give fruits and veggies their bright yellow, orange and red color and can help protect the body against certain types of cancer.

Where Can I Find It?

There is currently no daily recommended amount for this antioxidant but make these foods part of your regular diet to make sure you’re getting some in.

TELL US: What nutrient would you like to know more about?

Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC, is a registered dietitian, certified athletic trainer and owner of Dana White Nutrition, Inc., which specializes in culinary and sports nutrition. See Dana's full bio »

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