Chin acne can be painful and lower self esteem. If you're suffering from frequent breakouts around the chin, there are a variety of steps you can take to eliminate acne. You can alter your lifestyle and use creams, medication, and antibiotics to improve the overall health of your skin.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Identifying the Cause

  1. A variety of factors can contribute to the development of acne around the chin. Examine your own lifestyle to look for the culprit of your breakouts. If certain habits can be identified as the cause, they can altered or eliminated to lessen the severity of breakouts.
    • Are you a heavy make-up user? Greasy or heavily applied make-up can clog pores and have been known to cause breakouts. Applying less make-up or switching to a more natural brand or one that is labeled "oil-free" or "noncomedogenic," can lessen chin acne.[1]
    • When you work out, do you shower immediately afterwards? Delaying showering after a work out allows any oils, dirt, and make-up on your skin to mix with sweat. These debris settle in your pores, causing a break out. Always at least wash your face after a work-out and, if you shower, pay special attention to rinsing the sweat from your face. If possible, remove your make-up before you exercise.[2]
    • Are you a smoker? Some studies indicate a correlation between smoking and acne. As smoking increases the risk for a wide array of health problems in addition to acne, it might be best to ditch the nicotine altogether.[3]
    • What is your diet like? A diet that's high in empty carbs, processed sugar, and dairy products is correlated with increased risk for acne. Eating healthier can have a variety of positive benefits, including reducing your acne.[4]
  2. Your acne might not be a simple matter of your lifestyle. Acne can be caused by underlying medical problems. If you can't identify a habit of yours that could be causing your acne, see a doctor to check for medical problems.
    • Hormones are often to blame for excessive chin acne. A doctor or dermatologist can do blood work to detect any hormonal imbalances that may be to blame for your acne and prescribe medications such as antibiotics or medications that restore hormone balance.[5]
    • In women, excessive facial acne is sometimes the result of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. This increases testosterone in the ovaries, causing acne. A gynecologist can help diagnose POS and offer treatment options to lessen the severity of symptoms.[6]
  3. Oftentimes, the clothing we wear can affect our skin. Go through your wardrobe and look for any offending items.
    • If you have any known skin allergens, you may be unknowingly coming into contact with them in the fabrics of scarves, hats, and other items that have contact with your face. Read the ingredients list on any fabrics you use and look out for potential allergens.
    • Try switching laundry detergents. Oftentimes, the chemicals in some detergents are hard on skin and cause contact dermatitis, which is noted by red, acne-like bumps on the skin. If you're experiencing dermatitis, you might be mistaking it for an acne outbreak. Opt for a more eco-friendly brand of detergent and see if it helps.[7]
    • If you're a cyclist, bike helmets can contribute to the problem if chin strips are strapped on tight. While you shouldn't lessen the pressure, as you should put your own safety first, washing your chin after taking off your helmet could help with breakouts.[8]
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Changing Your Lifestyle

  1. What you eat can have an effect on breakouts. Certain foods, when consumed in high volume, can affect hormone levels and lead to breakouts. Switching to a healthier diet can help eliminate chin acne.
    • High glycemic are foods that tend to raise insulin levels in the body quickly. This affects our hormones, which can cause breakouts. Empty carbs, like white bread and white rice, sugary snacks, and starchy vegetables like potatoes are considered to be high glycemic foods and may have an affect on your skin.[9]
    • You might not be getting enough fat. While fat gets a bad rap from dieters, not all fats are bad for us. Essential fats, like those found in olive oil, nuts, seeds, and fish, can reduce the likelihood of breakouts.[10]
    • Dairy products have also been linked to the development of skin acne, particularly the over consumption of milk. Try soy milk, almond milk, and other milk alternatives.[11]
  2. You might be causing your skin undue stress without realizing it. In fact, we sometimes worsen skin problems in attempt to eliminate skin acne.
    • Do not scrub too hard when washing your face or when applying moisturizers and skin creams. While you might be tempted to scrub extra when experiencing outbreaks, this is actually counterproductive. The bacteria that caused the acne gets spread around when you put too much pressure on your face. Be gentle when washing and moisturizing.[12]
    • Clean your face regularly. Many people neglect washing their face, causing bacteria to build up and encourage outbreaks. In the morning, as your face has had a chance to sweat and absorb debris, give your face a quick wash before hopping in the shower. Wash your face before bed as well, regardless of whether you wear make-up. Your skin is exposed to a lot throughout the day.
    • Be careful of oil-heavy lotions, moisturizers, and shampoos. Such products can clog pores, causing breakouts and increasing the duration of existing acne. Look for products labeled "noncomedogenic" or "nonacnegenic"to used instead.[13]
    • Wear sunscreen if you're outdoors a lot. The sun can cause skin to dry out, triggering acne. [14]
    • Make sure to shave your face carefully. Shave gently and only when you need to. It helps to soften your beard with soap and water before applying shaving cream. Try both electric and safety razors to see which works best for you.[15]
    • If your hair is oily, wash it every day and try to keep it off of your face when you can.
  3. Stress's effect on acne is twofold. First, the major stress hormone in our body is cortisol which can manipulate testosterone levels and lead to break-outs. Second, when we are stressed we tend not to eat and sleep right and don't always engage in as rigorous personal hygiene routines, resulting in breakouts.[16]
    • Exercise can have a dramatic effect on stress levels. It releases endorphins, which are neurotransmitters in the brain responsible for positive feelings. Regular exercise also increases self confidence and has been known to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.[17]
    • Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years as a means to find balance and eliminate stressful thoughts. There are a variety of types of meditations, such as guided meditation, mindfulness meditation, and mantra meditation. Research meditation techniques online or ask friends and family members who meditate for advice. Find a type that's right for you. Even 20 minutes a day can greatly reduce stress levels.[18]
    • If your stress is related to pre-existing mental health issues, seek psychiatric care. You can find a psychiatrist through your doctor, your insurance provider, or if you're a student, through your university. Sometimes, psychiatric medications are prescribed to combat stress-inducing emotions and thoughts.
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Using Ointments, Medications, and Creams

  1. If your acne is severe, you might need prescription medication. Your physician can talk to you about your concerns and prescribe a medication that works for you. Your doctor may also discuss options such as laser, light treatments, chemical peels or microdermabrasion if your acne is stubborn.
    • If you're female, your doctor might prescribe hormonal birth control to combat acne. As birth control regulates hormones, it can reduce breakouts. However, talk to your doctor about your personal medical history as well as your family's medical history to make sure you do not have any preexisting conditions that would make hormonal birth control dangerous. Other common options for treating hormonal acne include an oral medicine called spironolactone, and a gel called dapsone gel.[19]
    • A variety of prescription antibiotics and creams are specifically used to eliminate or reduce acne. Most oral antibiotics are not recommended for long-term use and should only be taken for a 6 month period. Topical retinoids are commonly prescribed and can be helpful in treating acne and in preventing future breakouts. Your doctor, after discussing your medical history and any allergies or other concerns, will find a medication that suits your needs.
    • Take the medication only as the doctor instructs and be aware of any troubling side effects. If you have any issues with the medication, contact your doctor to see if you should cease taking the medication.
  2. Over-the-counter facial cleansers and benzoyl peroxide creams that promise to eliminate acne are worth a try if your breakouts are persistent.
    • Acne around the mouth and chin is particularly difficult to eliminate due to the skin's susceptibility to bacteria. Be sure to apply cleansers regularly, following the instructions carefully for the best results.
    • Combining cleansers can be a great idea when it comes to stubborn chin acne. Salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide can be used in conjunction. Together they not only kill acne causing bacteria but also clean out pores. This reduces and eliminating existing acne while also preventing future breakouts.[20]
  3. Tea tree oil, which can be purchased at health stores and some department stores, can potentially reduce or eliminate breakouts.
    • Tea tree oil has a variety of antibacterial properties. As acne is often related to a bacterial buildup applying it to the skin can help curb breakouts. It also has a soothing effect on the skin, so it can reduce overall irritation.[21]
    • Dilute tea tree oil before use. Adding a drop of tea tree oil to a few dabs of aloe vera is a great home recipe to fight acne.[22]
    • While tea tree oil can improve acne for some, if you have sensitive skin it's best to avoid it altogether. People with eczema should be especially wary of tea tree oil as an acne cure.[23]

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  • Do not pick at acne. This can cause scarring and irritate the skin, leading to bigger breakouts.
  • Try using Neutrogena acne pads to wash the skin after a workout or remove make-up at the end of the day. These are great for clearing pores and eliminating any bacteria in the skin.
  • Make sure to wash your pillow cases at least weekly to reduce oil and bacteria, which can lead to more acne breakouts.


  • Make sure you discuss your medical history with a doctor before taking any prescription medications. Side effects associated with acne medication are rare, but they can be serious.

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About this article

Laura Marusinec, MD
Co-authored by:
Board Certified Pediatrician
This article was co-authored by Laura Marusinec, MD. Dr. Marusinec is a board certified Pediatrician at the Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, where she is on the Clinical Practice Council. She received her M.D. from the Medical College of Wisconsin School of Medicine in 1995 and completed her residency at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Pediatrics in 1998. She is a member of the American Medical Writers Association and the Society for Pediatric Urgent Care. This article has been viewed 160,103 times.
68 votes - 79%
Co-authors: 11
Updated: May 25, 2021
Views: 160,103
Article SummaryX

To treat acne on your chin, wash your face twice a day to clean any buildup that can trigger an outbreak. As you wash, don't scrub too hard, since this can cause bacteria to spread to other spots on your face and neck. Instead, apply gentle pressure when washing and moisturizing your skin. When deciding on a facial cleanser, look for products with salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide, which can eliminate existing acne and prevent future breakouts. Alternatively, use tea tree oil to reduce breakouts and overall skin irritation. For a long-term solution, try cutting down on dairy products and empty carbs, like white bread and sugary snacks, which can make acne worse. For more tips from our Medical co-author, including how to use medication to manage acne, keep reading!

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  • Sky Hankins

    Sky Hankins

    May 22, 2017

    "I really like the tea tree oil one, it's very helpful."

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