Some studies, including one conducted by The Australasian College of Dermatologists, suggest that tea tree oil may improve moderate cases of acne.[1] Evidence suggests that this essential oil helps to remove bacteria that can cause pimples, blemishes, and skin irritation.[2] You can make your own tea tree face mask at home using organic tea tree oil and common pantry ingredients like honey, avocado, and coconut oil. You can also whip up a tea tree face mask with Indian healing clay, which is a great option if you have oily, acne prone skin.


  • 1 teaspoon organic honey
  • 1-2 drops tea tree oil
  • ¼ of a ripe avocado
  • 1-2 drops tea tree oil
  • 1 tablespoon Indian healing clay
  • 1-2 tablespoons water
  • 1 tablespoon ground oats
  • 4 drops tea tree oil
Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Making a Tea Tree Mask with Honey

  1. Put the honey in a clean bowl. Then, carefully pour the tea tree oil into the honey. Use a small spoon to mix the ingredients together.[3]
    • If the honey is very thick, you can warm it up over the stove to make it a bit softer, but don’t allow the honey to get too hot or you may end up destroying its antibacterial properties. As it comes to room temperature it should become thinner, making it easier to combine with the oil.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Reduce Acne Using a Tea Tree Face Mask
    Always wash your face before you apply any face masks. Use your normal facial cleanser to remove any bacteria, dirt, or dead skin on the surface of your skin. Then, pat your skin dry.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Reduce Acne Using a Tea Tree Face Mask
    Use the back of the spoon to apply the tea tree and honey mixture to your face. Make sure you spread the mixture in an even layer over your face, excluding your eye area and mouth.[4]
  4. Close your eyes and lay down with the mask on for 10-15 minutes. If your skin feels a little itchy due to the honey, use a clean finger to gently pat the area until the itch fades away.[5]
    • As the mask settles on your skin, it should be less itchy.
  5. After 10-15 minutes, use lukewarm water to gently remove the mask. Do not scrub or rub the mask off. Simply let the water melt the mask off of your face.
    • Once the mask has been washed off completely, pat your skin dry with a towel.
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Creating a Tea Tree Mask with Avocado

  1. Watermark wikiHow to Reduce Acne Using a Tea Tree Face Mask
    Avocado is great for your skin as it contains essential fatty acids, vitamin E, and biotin. These natural ingredients can help to lighten acne scars and keep your skin moisturized. Start by removing the avocado from the skin and mashing it up with a fork or a spoon.[6]
    • If the avocado is soft and ripe, it should mash up easily in a bowl. Use the sharp edge of the fork or spoon to mash it until it forms a lumpy paste.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Reduce Acne Using a Tea Tree Face Mask
    Pour 1-2 drops of tea tree oil in the bowl with the avocado. Using more can cause your skin to react badly to the mask, as tea tree oil can burn your skin if you apply too much of it. Mix the tea tree oil into the avocado with a spoon.[7]
  3. Before you apply the mask, wash your face with your normal cleanser, and then pat it dry. This will ensure your face is properly prepared for the face mask.
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Reduce Acne Using a Tea Tree Face Mask
    Use clean fingers to apply the mask to your face. Make sure you spread the mask in an even layer over your entire face.[8]
  5. Lay down and let the mask settle into your skin. It should dry over the course of 10-15 minutes as the ingredients absorb into your skin.
  6. After 10-15 minutes, use warm water to wash off the mask. It should come off easily with the water. Do not scrub or rub your face hard to remove the mask.
    • Once the mask has been removed, use a clean towel to pat your face dry.
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Using Indian Healing Clay

  1. Watermark wikiHow to Reduce Acne Using a Tea Tree Face Mask
    Use a wooden spoon and a ceramic or wood bowl to mix the two ingredients together. Avoid using metal utensils or bowls, as this can contaminate the clay.[9]
    • Make sure the ground oats are very fine. You can grind the oats in a food processor or a coffee grinder until they are coarse and fine.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Reduce Acne Using a Tea Tree Face Mask
    Pour in the water gradually, mixing as you go.[10]
  3. Add the tea tree oil to the paste and use a wooden spoon to combine. The paste should be wet and spreadable.[11]
  4. Before you apply the face mask, wash your face with your normal cleanser and pat it dry. Doing this will ensure your face is clean and ready for the face mask.
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Reduce Acne Using a Tea Tree Face Mask
    Use clean fingers to apply the mask to your face. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes.[12]
    • The mask should dry over time. It may feel tight on your face it dries.
  6. After 10-15 minutes, use warm running water to remove the mask. Gently rub your face until the mask comes off.
    • Use a clean cloth to pat your face dry.
    • Keep in mind that clay can dry out your skin, so make sure to follow your treatment with your favorite moisturizer.

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    Can tea tree oil make acne worse?
    Laura Martin
    Laura Martin
    Licensed Cosmetologist
    Laura Martin is a Licensed Cosmetologist in Georgia. She has been a hair stylist since 2007 and a cosmetology teacher since 2013.
    Laura Martin
    Licensed Cosmetologist
    Expert Answer
    No, unless you have an allergy or are applying it incorrectly (such as not diluting it sufficiently) it will not worsen acne. If you are concerned about allergies, you should try a patch test.
  • Question
    How do you apply tea tree oil for acne?
    Laura Martin
    Laura Martin
    Licensed Cosmetologist
    Laura Martin is a Licensed Cosmetologist in Georgia. She has been a hair stylist since 2007 and a cosmetology teacher since 2013.
    Laura Martin
    Licensed Cosmetologist
    Expert Answer
    You can apply it as a spot treatment, add a few drops to your lotion, or use it as a toner. It is especially effective when combined with witch hazel.
  • Question
    Can using tea tree oil on its own help my skin?
    Diana Yerkes
    Diana Yerkes
    Skincare Professional
    Diana Yerkes is a Skincare Professional and the Lead Esthetician at Rescue Spa in New York City, New York. With over 15 years of experience, Diana helps others with their skin care needs by incorporating natural and high-performing products and treatments into their routines while providing nutrition insights and educating clients on better skin care habits. Diana is a member of the Associated Skin Care Professionals (ASCP) and holds certifications from the Wellness for Cancer and Look Good Feel Better programs. She received her esthetics education from the Aveda Institute, the International Dermal Institute, and the Biologique Research Academy.
    Diana Yerkes
    Skincare Professional
    Expert Answer
    You have to be very mindful when using essential oils like tea tree oil on your face. Always make sure that you mix it with another carrier oil, such as sweet almond oil or jojoba oil. When you put a straight-up essential oil formulation of tea tree oil on your skin instead of a diluted formulation, it can burn your skin.
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  • Use tea tree oil sparingly, as too much of it can be harmful to your skin. Apply tea tree face masks no more than one to two times a week.

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About this article

Diana Yerkes
Co-authored by:
Skincare Professional
This article was co-authored by Diana Yerkes. Diana Yerkes is a Skincare Professional and the Lead Esthetician at Rescue Spa in New York City, New York. With over 15 years of experience, Diana helps others with their skin care needs by incorporating natural and high-performing products and treatments into their routines while providing nutrition insights and educating clients on better skin care habits. Diana is a member of the Associated Skin Care Professionals (ASCP) and holds certifications from the Wellness for Cancer and Look Good Feel Better programs. She received her esthetics education from the Aveda Institute, the International Dermal Institute, and the Biologique Research Academy. This article has been viewed 34,021 times.
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Updated: October 5, 2021
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