Precio: 5,12 € IVA incluido (si corresponde)
Vendido por:Amazon Media EU Sarl
Idiomas disponibles: Inglés

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Últimas actualizaciones

Novedades en la versión 1.12.203
  • Added 3 new switch styles: "Flip", "Rocker" and "Pivot"
  • Added 3 new lever variants
  • Updated the game engine to Unity 2022.3.9
  • Bug fixes and tweaks. More info here:

Detalles del producto

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2014
Producto en desde: December 10, 2014
Desarrollado por: Jundroo, LLC

Características del producto

  • Build airplanes from scratch with a flexible, yet easy to use designer
  • Over 250,000 planes are available to download from for free
  • Parts and wings can break off, but you can keep flying if you can maintain control
  • Paint your airplane or choose from presets to style it just the way you want
  • Sandbox mode where you can build what you want and play how you want

Descripción del producto

Snap parts together to build your airplane's body. Place engines to add thrust. Design the wings, and then strap yourself into the cockpit and see how it flies.

You will have the tools to bring any aircraft to life. Design your own wings, shape the fuselage, customize propeller engines, and more.

A thriving community of players are creating next-generation fighters, WW2 warbirds, civilian aircraft, and everything in between. There are well over 50,000 airplanes and they are all free to download and fly. You can share your own airplanes and rise through the ranks to become a Bronze, Silver, or Gold Builder.

Every change you make in the designer impacts how the airplane flies. Weight, thrust, lift, and drag are all calculated continuously while flying.

Parts can break off in spectacular fashion while flying due to over-stress or by hitting something. The fun won't stop there though. You can keep on flying even with a missing wing if you've got the skills...the flight model updates in realtime to accurately simulate any damage to your airplane's structure.

So, you've had a rough landing and the left engine was knocked off? After watching the engine fly off into the sunset you may decide to go ahead and slap the throttle to full...and give it another go with only one engine. This is what sandbox mode was made for... test your airplane with no restrictions.

Land on aircraft carriers, dodge surface-to-air missiles, race through canyons, and much more.

Create airplanes that can take-off and land in the water, as well as fully functional boats complete with underwater rudders and keels for control and stability.

Tutorials will help players learn the basics of real airplane design and the considerations that need to be taken when airplanes are made.

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Detalles técnicos

Tamaño: 144,5MB
Versión: 1.12.203
Desarrollado por: Jundroo, LLC ( Política de privacidad )
Permisos de aplicaciones: ( más información sobre los permisos )
  • Acceder a información relativa a redes
  • Acceder a información relativa a redes wifi
  • Abrir sockets de red
  • Leer desde almacenamiento externo
  • PowerManager WakeLocks para que el procesador no hiberne ni la pantalla se atenúe
  • Escribir en almacenamiento externo
  • Permite la verificación de los derechos de la app de Google
Sistema operativo mínimo: Android 5.1
Tiempo de descarga aproximado: Más de 5 minutos

Opiniones de clientes

4 de 5 estrellas
575 calificaciones globales

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Principales reseñas de España

  • Reseñado en España el 26 de mayo de 2015
    La idea está bien pero es complejo de usar. Los tutoriales no son nada claros y el manejo es complejo. Tengo un movil de 5,5 pulgadas y pantalla QHD y a la hora de mover el avion para colocarle piezas debes ser extremadamente delicado porque a la minima se te mueve todo o no atinas a tocar donde quieres. Parece mas pensado para tablets o pantallas muy grandes.
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  • Reseñado en España el 7 de octubre de 2017
    El juego consiste en diseñar y volar aviones principalmente soporta gamepads y joysticks USB, sigue recibiendo actualizaciones después de varios años de salir.
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  • Reseñado en España el 28 de abril de 2015
    no la he usado como para poder valorarla, pero los ratitos que le hecho son gratamente ocupados por la aplicación
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    Gracias por su comentario.

Reseñas más importantes de otros países

Traducir todas las opiniones al español
  • Claudio
    3,0 de 5 estrellas gioco carino
    Reseñado en Italia el 28 de febrero de 2025
    gioco carino
  • 5,0 de 5 estrellas 素晴らしいゲーム
    Reseñado en Japón el 27 de julio de 2020
  • Setnakt
    5,0 de 5 estrellas The Best of the "Simple" series
    Reseñado en Estados Unidos el 14 de mayo de 2016
    Of all the "Simple" series of games this one is simply the best. Light years beyond the next best (Simple Rockets) which is saying a lot because that is an awesome five star game in it's own right. This one is even better because there is just so much content. I'm surprised it isn't at least twice the size it actually is. They packed a LOT into this one, and they keep adding more. You're always finding new stuff to explore. This is turning into it's own virtual world with a lot more than planes (they recently added cars). New places to visit are constantly being added also. This is simply one of the best games anywhere. A bargain at the price, I had no problems buying it twice.

    On that note (having bought the game twice), this is another game Google Play ruined for me. I bought a copy from them like a fool, installed it on my tablet. Uninstalled it for a time and when I tried to get it back I was told it was "incompatible". Utter rubbish! The crooks took my money and won't even let me try to use it, no refund ether! They have done this before with other apps, some even are removed from their library entirely and once again, ZERO money refunded, no credit, nothing. It's theft plain and simple. Totally unprofessional, they only get away with that crap because they are too big to fight. Amazon never pulls garage like this, I highly recommend against buying anything from Google Play. And FYI the identical new copy of the game I purchased here from Amazon works 100% perfect on the supposed "incompatible" tablet. Keep your business with Amazon unless you like throwing your money away.
  • JShay
    5,0 de 5 estrellas Awesome game!
    Reseñado en Canadá el 24 de marzo de 2015
    This game is very addictive, and I love that you can upload other people's plane designs easily from their website.
  • Lecomte Matthias
    4,0 de 5 estrellas Très bon
    Reseñado en Francia el 5 de abril de 2015
    Le jeu est excellent mais il manque certaines choses comme par exemple incliner les ailes par rapport à l'horizontale comme sur le P51 des missions d'entraînement.