Duct tape crafts are super fun to do and there is nothing easier than a duct tape bow! These bows are very pretty and you can be as creative as you like when it comes to experimenting with different colors and patterns. Below you will find two simple methods for making a duct tape bow - happy crafting!

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Make a Folded Bow

  1. Duct tape is available in all sorts of colors and patterns, so choose some pretty, brightly colored ones to make your bow with. A good idea is to pick one color for the main part of your bow and another, contrasting color for the centerpiece.
  2. Use a pair of sharp scissors to do this. The six inch pieces will make a pretty large bow, so if you'd prefer a smaller one, cut out two 3 inch (7.6 cm) pieces instead.
  3. Do this slowly and carefully to make sure the two pieces are exactly aligned. However, if you make a mistake, you can use your scissors to trim any extra bits off the edges. Try to make sure that there aren't any wrinkles and the bow will look better at the end!
    • At this point, you can feel free to decorate your strip of duct tape with any additional details, using markers or glitter pens.
  4. Fold the strip of duct tape three ways, going in opposite directions each time, as if you were making a fan.
  5. Pinch the middle of the folded duct tape between your fingers and wrap a thin strip (about 0.25 inches in width) of the other colored duct tape around the center, to secure. Make sure to keep your fingers out of the way or making a duct tape bow could turn into a sticky situation!
  6. Once you have made the bow, you can stick it to whatever you like. One easy idea is to stick a bobby pin through the back of the wrapped piece of tape. Now you have a beautiful, customized bow to wear whenever you want! Alternatively, you could try attaching the bow to a headband or pinning it to a schoolbag or handbag.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Make a Basic Bow

  1. Choose two contrasting colors of duct tape to make your bow.
  2. Before you make the bow itself, it is a good idea to cut out a small strip of duct tape (about 0.25 inches, or about 0.64 centimeters, in width) for the centerpiece. This will make it easier to secure the bow later. Stick the strip of duct tape to the edge of a table where you can easily grab it.
  3. Taking the second roll of duct tape, cut out a piece 18 inches (45.7 cm) in length. Fold it neatly in half (lengthwise), sticky sides together, leaving just a small strip of adhesive exposed at the end.
  4. Take both ends of the strip of duct tape and curl them upwards, to form a circle. Stick the ends together, using the small strip of adhesive that you left exposed earlier. The duct tape should now form a circular shape, like a cuff.
  5. Flatten the circle of duct tape and pinch the edges together, in the center, to form a bow shape.
  6. Take the small strip of duct tape you cut out earlier and wrap it tightly around the center of the bow to secure.
  7. Stick it to a headband or barrette for a funky hair piece or attach it to bags, clothing, hats, etc.

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Things You'll Need

  • Duct tape in the colours of your choice
  • Scissors
  • Bobby Pin
  • Ruler

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Updated: May 6, 2021
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