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Issues On The Horizon For Chinese Food Safety Law In 2015

Updated Mar 8, 2015, 09:57pm EDT
This article is more than 9 years old.

Now that both new years have passed, it seems appropriate to discuss what is on the horizon for food safety regulatory reform in 2015. Much of what I discussed in my similar post in February 2014 is still on the table, i.e., new legislation, increased criminal penalties, and exploration of mergers between Chinese and foreign companies to drive innovation and create capacity for safer production. This should not be a surprise because China’s food safety issues are systemic and complex, and at times it may be difficult to see progress on a short term basis. Reforming a system like that is a long and complicated process.

There could be some important developments in 2015

Development of the Food Safety Law

Over the past two years, we have seen the Chinese government reach out three times for comments on the revision of the Food Safety Law. The last draft emerged in December 2014, making several changes over the prior draft released in the summer of 2014. However, one thing appears to remain consistent throughout those drafts:  the use of ever-stricter criminal penalties as deterrents for severe legal and regulatory violations. The current draft now mandates a short period of detention for those who are involved in serious breaches of the Law on issues like counterfeiting infant formula and distribution of substandard meat products. But, this is not necessarily a huge departure from what is going on now. The 2014 Work Report of the Supreme People’s Court, similar to that released in 2013, touts over 2000 of criminal cases involving unsafe food, including the conviction of 2,647 criminals on related charges. The question is whether these severe measures, if implemented in a fair way, will ultimately create enough respect for Chinese food safety regulation that they are no longer necessary, and softer measures that consume less resources, like warnings, will be effective.

Other changes are also on the horizon. For example, under the latest draft of the Food Safety Law, the China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) can begin to develop a notification system to streamline market entry for a potentially very small class of health food products (i.e., dietary supplements) that use existing, well-accepted ingredients.  China could also be solidifying its policy on mandatory labeling for genetically modified organisms. Currently it requires GMO labeling by regulation, but it may strengthen that policy by putting it in the national law, which is harder to amend. Once China amends the Law, a variety of these types of changes can begin to take shape.

Food Safety Standards

2015 could be the year of the food safety standard. One of the difficult parts of bringing a food product to market in China is determining what food safety standards apply. These standards govern the specifics of nearly everything, including ingredients, testing methods, manufacturing, contact substances and packaging, and nutrition labeling. A domestic manufacturer or importer must hunt for the most up-to-date versions of those standards, and decide what, if anything, it can do to obtain a timely variance for a novel product or to create its own standard. China’s body of conflicting and outdated standards has caused many problems over the years.

To remedy these problems, the National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC) has engaged in a multi-year effort to completely revamp and rebuild the system, including canceling old standards, amending outdated standards, and enacting new standards. The primary goals of that effort come due in 2015. This year we will hopefully see the results of NHFPC’s hard work more vividly as the final standards are enacted or revised, and new standards go into force.

However, one thing that remains to be seen is whether the NHFPC will make these standards freely available. Until now, many standards have not been easy to find online for free, meaning they were both difficult to understand and difficult to obtain. Hopefully, as its plans draw to a close, NHFPC will make the standards that are applicable to categories of food and beverages, food additives, food contact substances, and other food related products freely available in their full form in a keyword-searchable database online. And, hopefully, NHFPC will also codify the standards, index and sub-index them according to product category, and draft explanatory guidance that is clear and accessible to even the smallest food enterprises, as well as offer readily accessible resources to answer questions about content. If the standards are not clearly organized, clearly explained, and freely available, then NHFPC’s admirable work in this area could be wasted.

There’s more. NHFPC is beginning to consider how to revise the regulations for filing food safety enterprise standards. Enterprise standards are standards that are specific to the filer and that either articulate a higher standard than a mandatory government standard or create a standard in an area in which there is no corresponding governmental standard. The regulations under revision set out the process by which companies can file these standards with the government. The revision of these regulations could be important for those planning to put novel products on the market.

Modernization of the Farming System

In a high-level policy document, Document No. 1 of 2015, the government is promising to modernize the farming system in several respects. This plan includes modernizing farming methods to increase productivity, ensuring the stability of China’s food supply by protecting farmland from industrial development and pollution, and offering more loans for China’s farmers. This is not as new as one might think. China has been promoting the mechanization of agriculture, relief from financial burdens for farmers and other rural inhabitants, and protections against the erosion of its limited arable land for years now. For example, in 2005 China’s legislature passed a law to promote the mechanization of agricultureTax reform and the construction of a better healthcare system for the countryside have also been in the works for many years. Whether this plan will be more successful than prior efforts is something else to look out for in 2015.

What are the legal consequences of this plan? Arguably the primary law for ensuring the safety of raw agricultural production, which also includes some protections against industrial pollution, is the Agricultural Product Quality and Safety Law. This Law is out of date, with vague and general requirements. Like the Food Safety Law, it is also in need of an upgrade. The new document calls for “completion” of the laws and regulations governing agricultural product quality and safety. Although this statement does not exactly call for an amendment, it will be important to watch for what, if anything, is on the horizon for this Law or related regulations in 2015.

Overall, 2015 promises to be a year with potential for continuing to build a stronger system to improve food safety in China, which still faces very significant challenges. Come December of 2015 hopefully China will be celebrating a number of accomplishments in these areas.