You'll Never Again Go a Day Without Sunscreen After Watching This
If you're still making excuses about sunscreen, maybe this video will change your mind. Artist Thomas Leveritt had women and men of all ages view their faces under an ultraviolet lens, and the results were shocking! An ultraviolet camera is like the truth serum of skin care: it shows both your future and your past. Too much time unprotected in the sun or in the tanning bed reveals freckles, age spots, and sun damage. These spots aren't visible to the naked eye but can appear over time. On the other hand, children (or vigilant sunscreen wearers) appear flawless.
Dermatologists have told us time and time again that SPF is the greatest defense against aging. Under an ultraviolet camera, it shows up as a black barrier against UVA and UVB rays. So, the big takeaway? Put on a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher every day, not just on beach vacations or during sunny Summer Saturdays. You'll be glad you did when those brown spots never rise to the surface. In the meantime, see your dermatologist to get any moles checked for melanoma.