• World

Palestinian Artist Thrown Out of Dismaland for Anti-Israel Protest

1 minute read

Correction appended Aug.28

Palestinian artist Shadi Alzaqzouq has been thrown out of Banksy’s Dismaland after protesting against Israeli artists, whose works are on display.

Alzaqzouq, 34, lay on the ground by his two paintings, which he had covered with bedsheets from his hotel room. They were daubed with the words “R.I.P Gaza: Boycott Israel.”

Security guards were ordered to remove Alzaqzouq, who is one of three Palestinian artists exhibiting at the pop-up exhibition. The guards were told that his protest was too “ugly” for the park, reports the Jewish Chronicle.

“I found out when I arrived at the show that three Israeli artists were taking part, one of whom served in the IDF [Israel Defence Forces],” he told al-Araby al-Jadeed.

Despite being kicked-out, Alzaqzouq’s artworks remain on display.

See Inside Banksy’s Dystopian ‘Dismaland’

Banksy Dismaland
A general view of Dismaland Bemusement Park, a collection of satirical art and sculpture by the graffiti artist Banksy, in Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, England.Claire Hayhurst—PA Photos/Landov
Banksy Dismaland
Big Rig Jig by Mike Ross.Yui Mok—PA Photos/Landov
Banksy Dismaland
A sculpture of a killer whale jumping out of a toilet by Banksy.Yui Mok—PA Photos/Landov
Banksy Dismaland
A sculpture of a mermaid reminiscent of Disney's The Little Mermaid by Banksy.PA Images/Sipa USA
Banksy Dismaland
A sculpture of a woman attacked by seagulls by Banksy .Yui Mok—PA Photos/Landov
Banksy Dismaland
An armored police riot van built to serve on the streets of Northern Ireland in Water Canon Creek.Yui Mok—PA Photos/Landov
Banksy Dismaland
A sculpture that appears to reference the migrant crisis by Banksy.Yui Mok—PA Photos/Landov
Banksy Dismaland
A billboard depicting British Prime Minister David Cameron by Peter Kennard and Cat Phillips.PA Images/Sipa USA
Banksy Dismaland
A piece by Banksy.Yui Mok—PA Photos/Landov
Banksy Dismaland
A sculpture of a hummingbird by Banksy.Yui Mok—PA Photos/Landov
Banksy Dismaland
Detail from a miniature by Jimmy Cauty titled The Aftermath Displacement Principle, a model of an entire town frozen just after a huge period of civil unrest.PA Images/Sipa USA
Banksy Dismaland
A sculpture of the grim reaper in a bumper car.Yui Mok—PA Photos/Landov
Banksy Dismaland
A sculpture of wrecked Cinderella and her pumpkin carriage being photographed by paparazzi by Banksy.Yui Mok—PA Photos/Landov
Banksy Dismaland
The exterior of Dismaland Bemusement Park.Yui Mok—PA Photos/Landov

Correction: This article was amended to show that Shadi Alzaqzouq spoke to al-Araby al-Jadeed rather than the Jewish Chronicle

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