Nikon D5500 gallery posted: Forgetting high ISO fear


posted Sunday, February 22, 2015 at 5:51 PM EDT


The Nikon D5500 has quickly risen to the 5th most popular camera on our website since its announcement at CES in January, so we didn't want to delay in getting you a big batch of real-world gallery images. For anyone who's seen our D5500 First Shots post, you already know from our laboratory test images that its high ISO chops are very good, so we made sure to capture plenty of gallery images across the ISO spectrum for you.

Have you ever cranked the volume on a tiny portable stereo only to cringe as the sound starts to crackle and break up? That's like cranking the ISO on a camera without good high-ISO chops, knowing you need a faster shutter speed or deeper depth of field but also knowing that you're introducing ISO noise into your image. While on a larger boom box you can crank the volume to a nice, full sound without the distortion, and that's the way I felt while out and about with the D5500 - not much fear in the way of cranking up the gain!

Below are nine images from the gallery, spanning the majority of the ISO spectrum. These have been slightly cropped and tweaked in post production, and clicking on any image will take you to the original, straight-from-the-camera JPEG. From that page you can access the EXIF data, full resolution image and other information.

And by going to our D5500 gallery page you can also access the RAW image for any that have an accompanying RAW file, where you'll find 51 initial images to browse and pixel-peep, including images with the 18-55mm kit lens, the 35mm f/1.8 Nikkor, the 60mm f/2.8 Nikkor as well as the Tamron 24-70mm f/2.8.

1/200s / f/8 / ISO 100 / 90mm eq. / 60mm f/2.8 G Nikkor
1/250s / f/5.6 / ISO 250 / 82mm eq. / 18-55mm kit lens
1/250s / f/1.8 / ISO 1000 / 52mm eq. / 35mm f/1.8 DX Nikkor
1/80s / f/1.8 / ISO 3200 / 52mm eq. / 35mm f/1.8 DX Nikkor
1/800s / f/2.8 / ISO 2500 / 72mm eq. / 24-70mm f/2.8 Tamron
1/800s / f/2 / ISO 1100 / 52mm eq. / 35mm f/1.8 DX Nikkor
1/800s / f/2.8 / ISO 1600 / 36mm eq. / 24-70mm f/2.8 Tamron
1/160s / f/3.5 / ISO 12,800 / 27mm eq. / 18-55mm kit lens
1/250s / f/4 / ISO 320 / 52mm eq. / 35mm f/1.8 DX Nikkor

• D5500 Gallery Page •

Stay tuned for much more to come on the Nikon D5500.

[quick links: Nikon D5500GalleryLab SamplesD5500 vs D5300]